Public Health Question

Description BHIS-532 Clinical Trials Exercise (10 points) Visit the official clinical trials web site maintained by the U.S. National Institutes of Health at Using search criteria of your choice under the Find Studies tab, identify any study in the Completed status that contains a fair amount of information about it. Many of the studies…

Unit 4 BHIS-532 Research of a Clinical Decision Support System

Description Write a 6-7 page (double-spaced) paper describing and evaluating a clinical decision support system. Identify a system of your choice or choose from the following list. Please obtain instructor’s approval prior to writing in case you decide to proceed with your own choice. Some of you may be familiar with certain commercial implementations from…

Compare and contrast the best leader you know with the worst leader you know

Description Compare and contrast the best leader you know with the worst leader you know. You can use any leader, past, present, future, or even a friend or family member. What was the leadership style(s) of the effective leader? What was the leadership style(s) of the ineffective leader? What skills did the leader demonstrate that…

What types of leadership influence have you experienced?

Description The role of both formal and informal leaders is to influence the behavior, attitudes, and emotions of others. Influence can be tacit or explicit and relies on mindful listening to create trust. What types of leadership influence have you experienced? Describe an example of how you use influence and persuasion in your personal and/or…

CSU GLOBAL Effective Time Management in Professional and Personal Life Paper

Question Description I’m working on a business question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. After watching the video Time Management FundamentalsLinks to an external site. (Crenshaw, 2022), what time management challenges have you identified in your professional and/or personal life? How do you plan to address those challenges? Describe two examples…

CSU GLOBAL Interior Photography Residential and Office Presentation

Description You are the forensic photographer for the Greatland Sheriff’s Office in Small Town, Alabama. On January 3, 2014, you responded to the scene of a residential burglary at 1234 Main Street in Small Town, Alabama. You photographed the scene and wrote your crime scene report. Today, you received a subpoena from the 22nd Circuit…

CSUGC Public Health Commitment to Innovation & Community Service Essay

Description This week we will look at organizational performance analytics.  You will use Value-Based Purchasing data available from  The assignment for this unit is to interpret and present data on a group of hospitals.  Your work from unit 7 will then be input to the topic we will cover in unit 8. Read/watch the…

CSU GLOBAL Analyzing the Equifax Data Breach Critical Evaluation

Description Identify a major breach of a virtualized environment that has occurred in the recent past (within the last five years). In a 10-12 page, critical evaluation of your chosen breach, review and analyze the breach along the following dimensions: What went wrong? Why did it occur? Who was responsible? How could it have been…