ppp 5 r s

Description About SIM – Levels is an Assignment where you explore the concept of the levels, define individual, community, local, state, national, and international levels, and explain how these levels can interact with one another. Estimated Time An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity. The Concept of Levels The world is complex,…

ppp 3 r s

Description About iPoliSci Workshops is your opportunity to interact with content related to the course. At the minimum, at least once every two weeks (bi-weekly), you need to watch a single video recording of a workshop. Submission of this assignment is REQUIRED. Estimated Time An estimated 60-90 minutes is needed to complete this activity. Archived…

reply to students

Description Have you ever thought you just weren’t enough? Whatever you do is never good enough and you’ll never be fully appreciated because what’s there to appreciate. I know I have just like Ricky, Jen Yu, and Casiopea have as well. Everyone goes through this struggle and it’s been consistent throughout the world going back…

communication eve

Description Discussion Board #6 Part One: Initial Post due no later than Thursday, November 9 at 11:59pm Part Two: Responses to Classmates due no later than Sunday, November 12 at 11:59pm This week, we have learned about the processes of Communication, Perception, and Listening. This information, combined with gaining an understanding of our Self Concept,…

music 1111 ja

Description Initial post due by Friday Response posts due by midnight Monday In this course, a discussion is a posting-based platform designed to facilitate student dialog through the sharing of ideas and opinions. Discussion 2 explores three topics and takes place over a one-week period. You will be graded on depth of insight, use of…

ppp 1 r s

Description About Problems can be classified as private or public. Private problems are problems that effect a single individual, while public problems effect many individuals or an ecosystem. Public problems can emerge when private problems spill into the public sphere or consciousness. For example, a person with an aliment could be viewed as having the…

music111 ja

Description Concert Options Forum – submit your initial post by the Friday before the deadline 22 unread replies.22 replies. Initial (concert options) post due by FridayResponse posts due by midnight Monday The goal of this forum is to help you prepare for the Concert Review assignment by sharing concert options with your classmates. For your…

music 111 ev

Description Listening Journal Forum – submit your initial post by the Friday before the deadline 77 unread replies.99 replies. Initial (journal entry) post due by FridayResponse posts due by midnight Monday Following the guidelines for the Listening Journal in this week’s module, write one of your eight required journal entries, and post it to this…

music 111 ja

Description Write a separate paragraph for 8 different jazz songs/pieces that you listen to in a radio or streaming broadcast. For each paragraph, you’ll need to address all of the bullet points listed below. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the blue “Submit Assignment” button above, then copy & paste your…

ppp 2 r s

Description About “How Do We Read” is a Discussion assessment that encourages students to describe their reading process. Estimated Time An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity. Prompt Reading is an essential skill for all students, especially college-level. A book titled Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading…