Summary and response


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Course: BUS 392 Senior Seminar: The Future of Work ( All assignment will be submitted to Turnitin)

  • The summary is 8-10 bullet points (about half a page) of direct phrases or sentence quotes from the reading.
  • The response is at least half a page (300 words or more) of discussion based on your ideas, critical thinking, and experiences.
  • (See the week 2 Example and follow for all the reading response and keep it simple, do not use big words and high level of English.)
  • Week 2: In 1930, Keynes presented a vision for the future: in 100 years, with the progress of technology and industry, society ought to reach a point of resource abundance that should narrow the working week to 15 hours and the goal of work shifting away from accumulated wealth. Have we approached this point, and why do we work?
  • Week 3: Schultz argues that consumption of goods (and services) is actually investment in human capital. To enhance this investment, business should look to areas like education and healthcare which benefit the worker, and thus enable them to participate further in the workforce, generating increased consumption and investment for all. Is this treatment of investment and categorization of human capital a beneficial one? What are its limits?
  • Week 4: Williams argues that the belief in the myth of the self-made person is in contradiction to increasing wealth inequality and declining social mobility in America. Little attention is paid to the contributions by people in our lives such as family, friends, advisors, teachers, authors, mentors, coaches, and so on. Why is society attracted to the allegory of the self-made person?
  • Week 5: American Dream as a concept was first cited by Adams through which life should continue to get “better and richer and fuller” for every person according to their ability and achievement. Have material gain and wealth accumulation became “goods in themselves” at the expense of moral virtues?
  • Week 6: This selection provides a framework for the Capabilities Approach as an alternate model for assessing human development. If a country’s GDP increases each year, but so does the proportion of people deprived of education, health care, and access to work, then is a country really making progress?
  • Week 8: Market systems have made better use of more information than economic planners, argues Rogan, but AI and machine learning may change that. Automation and machine learning creates more jobs than it replaces, leading to more meaningful work. Is the sacrifice of some jobs a worthwhile cost for the gain of more meaningful work?
  • Week 9: This critique offers a response to Keynes’s earlier prediction that working society would move beyond wealth accumulation and into fewer working hours per week by the year 2020. Economic systems, timing, and geography are a few examples for why attention needs to be paid to communities and individuals unable to share in the rewards. What systems, policies, and attitudes prevent us from embracing leisure?
  • Week 10: This manifesto calls for a reclamation of human dignity in a culture of busyness. The model posited by Pieper suggests three types of work—activity, effort, and social contribution. What core aspects of leisure are revealed in contrast to these types of work, and how might we amalgamate both work and leisure?
  • I was able to upload only week 2,3,4,5,6 reading. Once you accept it I will upload week 8,9,10, and sample paper.

Explanation & Answer

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