speech presentation public speaking ( rewriting and correct my presentation just some mistakes done)


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Reading: From online text by Boundless Communications –

“Topic Research: Gathering Material and Evidence”

https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/gathering-evidence-an-overview/ (Links to an external site.)

“Persuasive Speaking”

https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/introduction-to-persuasive-speaking/ (Links to an external site.)

“Methods of Persuasive Speaking”

https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/getting-the-most-out-of-a-persuasive-speech/ (Links to an external site.)

“Supporting Your Ideas”

https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/deploying-supporting-materials/ (Links to an external site.)

“Using PowerPoint and Alternatives Successfully”

https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/using-powerpoint-and-alternatives-successfully/ (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

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In a speech of approximately 8-10 minutes, persuade your audience about a topic that addresses their needs, concerns or interests. Ideas must be substantiated by at least three college-appropriate and relevant sources, which must be verbally cited in your speech. College databases such as CQ Researcher and Issues and Controversies will be especially helpful since they present both sides and the shades of gray.

Persuasive speaking has three general goals (DeVito 259 – 260), depending on your aims and how your listeners perceive the topic:

  • To strengthen or weaken attitudes, beliefs or values
  • To change attitudes, beliefs or values
  • To motivate to action (Remember, ask for reasonable amounts of change.)

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An effective persuasive speech primarily uses a balanced combination of logical, emotional and credibility appeals. While these are covered in “Methods of Persuasive Speaking,” here is a concise explanation:

  • Logical appeals: persuading audience with logical arguments – focusing on facts and evidence. This type of appeal is largely derived through research.
  • Emotional appeals: persuading audience by addressing their feelings, needs, desires and wants. This type of appeal uses real life examples and targets certain physiological and emotional needs and wants of your audience such as those of safety, status, self-esteem, belonging and self-actualization (See Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” below). The use of personal experience or real-life examples can kindle the emotions of your audience by enabling them to connect with the topic on a human level.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Entrepreneurial Needs – Dan Martell

  • Credibility appeals: DeVito describes this as “the degree to which your audience regards you as a believable spokesperson. If your listeners see you as competent and knowledgeable, of good character, and charismatic or dynamic, they will find you credible” (275). Your handling of sources, your preparedness, and your display of confidence will help to shape how your listeners perceive you. Also, your connection to the topic and the persona that you have developed in previous speeches greatly contribute to your speaker credibility.

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  • You might want to use an inductive, rather than a deductive, arrangement of ideas. This is when you introduce examples and evidence before stating your thesis, which should be your position towards the topic.
  • A balanced presentation usually gives some attention to the counter-argument., opposing viewpoints and any resistance to the topic.
  • If your purpose is to motivate your audience to alter their behavior or take action, ask for small changes or relatively easy to perform acts.

Work Cited

DeVito, Joseph A. The Essential Elements of Public Speaking, Third Ed. Boston: Allyn

& Bacon, 2008.


Research and Verbal Citations

Here are links that explain and illustrate how to verbally cite your sources in a speech:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB244Krb6hMLinks to an external site.

https://libguides.spokanefalls.edu/cite/verbal (Links to an external site.)


Sample Speeches – student and professional TED Talk examples

As you view these speeches, consider how the speaker uses logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade their audiences.

SPEECH 1: “Why You Should Still Wear a Mask”

A student, Erin, attempts to persuade us to wear a mask to protect ourselves and others from contracting the Coronavirus. Even though this speech was presented after the 2020 Memorial Day holiday when there was a national spike in COVID-19 cases, it is, sadly, still relevant as the US is nearing the one million mark for deaths despite vaccines.

Why Should You Still Wear a Mask?Links to an external site.Why Should You Still Wear a Mask?

SPEECH 2: “Start Building Credit Today”

student, Kwadre, explains the importance of building a financial profile urging us to build credit today.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_kpCp4MmpoLinks to an external site.

SPEECH 3: “Say No to Energy Drinks”

student, Alicia, urges us to not consume energy drinks in her speech.

Say No to energy drinksLinks to an external site.Say No to energy drinks

Explanation & Answer

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