source evaluation


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One learning goal of this course is to be able to use reliable/credible sources. In an age of disinformation mixed in with good information, it is important to learn how to measure the credibility of sources. For this assignment, you will evaluate two sources. Your report can find all, some, or none of the sources credible. The important part is doing the work to complete the analysis well.

Minimum Requirements: Two (2) sources that are on the topic of your Proposal Argument must be analyzed using the template. One source must be accessed from our library. The other source must be accessed from the open web.

Format Requirements: The report is not an essay and will instead be formatted as given in the template. You must use the template linked here: Source Evaluation Template.docx

. Please be sure to rename the file by adding your name after downloading it.

Content Structure: Each source will be presented on its own. Each analysis will be split into two sections: Citation and Analysis. The Citation section will present the citation as it would appear on an MLA Works Cited page. The Analysis section will be broken into answers to each part of the analysis: Authority, Accuracy, Bias/Purpose, Timeliness, Relevance, and Overall Evaluation.

Submission Guidelines:

You must submit print copies of all the sources on the due date in class. If the source is long, submit at least three pages of the source. The report must be submitted electronically as well as on paper.


These are examples for your reference.

Source Evaluation Student Example #1-1.pdf

Source_Evaluation_Student Example #2-1.pdf


Source Evaluation

Source Evaluation

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource One CitationCorrectly cited in MLA and formatted with hanging indent.

2 pts


1.6 pts


One error

1.4 pts


A few minor errors

1 pts


Missing some important info.

0 pts


2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAuthority

5 pts


The author(s) are identified and why they are experts on the subject and how authoritative they are. If no authors or the authors do not have much authority, where it is published is mentioned, and how much authority does the place of publication have on the subject.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Authority is clearly stated, but missing support why the source does or does not have authority.

2.5 pts


The incorrect authority stated OR a very poorly written answer.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVerifiable AccuracyLook at least two of the linked or documented sources.

5 pts


Two sources of information are identified or a lack of sources is noted. How sources are cited is mentioned. The authority of the sources is determined just as the authority of this source is identified.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Only one example of why it is verifiable is given. If none is verifiable, very poorly written.

2.5 pts


Only mentions how information is variable, not why it is accurate.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBias/Purpose

5 pts


Clearly indicate the source’s bias, purpose, and audience. All relevant questions from the template are answered.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Missing one of the following: bias, purpose, or audience.

2.5 pts


Lacks two OR is very poorly written.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness

3 pts


The answer clearly indicates the date of publication (or lack of one) and the currency of information (i.e. is it still likely to be timely for the topic).

2.1 pts


Poorly written

1.5 pts


Only gives the date of publication.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance

3 pts


Gives at least one reason why the information is relevant to your research by explaining how it can or cannot possibly be used for your argument.

2.1 pts


Poorly written

1.5 pts


Why it is relevant is unclear.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Evaluation

10 pts


Why the source is credible is explained by referring to the source’s authority, likely accuracy, bias, timeliness, and/or relevance. Be specific about how the balance of these leads you to your determination of how credible the source is.

8 pts


Some grammar errors

7 pts


Clear evaluation but underdeveloped support

5 pts


Very poor grammar and/or unclear evaluation OR your evaluation does not make sense given the analysis.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Two CitationCorrectly cited in MLA and formatted with hanging indent.

2 pts


1.6 pts


One error

1.4 pts


A few minor errors

1 pts


Missing some important info.

0 pts


2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAuthoritySource Two

5 pts


The author(s) are identified and why they are experts on the subject and how authoritative they are. If no authors or the authors do not have much authority, where it is published is mentioned, and how much authority does the place of publication have on the subject.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Authority is clearly stated, but missing support why the source does or does not have authority.

2.5 pts


The incorrect authority stated OR a very poorly written answer.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVerifiable AccuracySource Two: Look at least two of the linked or documented sources.

5 pts


Two sources of information are identified or a lack of sources is noted. How sources are cited is mentioned. The authority of the sources is determined just as the authority of this source is identified.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Only one example of why it is verifiable is given. If none is verifiable, very poorly written.

2.5 pts


Only mentions how information is variable, not why it is accurate.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBias/PurposeSource Two

5 pts


Clearly indicate the source’s bias, purpose, and audience. All relevant questions from the template are answered.

4 pts


Some grammar errors

3.5 pts


Missing one of the following: bias, purpose, or audience.

2.5 pts


Lacks two OR is very poorly written.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimelinessSource Two

3 pts


The answer clearly indicates the date of publication (or lack of one) and the currency of information (i.e. is it still likely to be timely for the topic).

2.1 pts


Poorly written

1.5 pts


Only gives the date of publication.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevanceSource Two

3 pts


Gives at least one reason why the information is relevant to your research by explaining how it can or cannot possibly be used for your argument.

2.1 pts


Poorly written

1.5 pts


Why it is relevant is unclear.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall EvaluationSource Two

10 pts


8 pts


Some grammar errors

7 pts


Clear evaluation but underdeveloped support

5 pts


Very poor grammar and/or unclear evaluation OR your evaluation does not make sense given the analysis.

0 pts


Does not meet requirements.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTemplate and Minimum Source TypesCorrectly uses the template and meets the requirement that one source is from the library and the other is from the open web.

10 pts

Full Marks

5 pts

Did Not Use Template

0 pts

Only One Type of Source

Fails to have a source from the library AND the open web.

10 pts

I will upload my topic down

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