SOC301 Race and College Admissions


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In this assignment you will use data to explore the different educational experiences among racial groups in the U.S., particularly in the real-world example of race in college admissions. For context, the admission process is an open one at University of Arizona Global Campus in that there are few barriers to admission to a program of study. As such, University of Arizona Global Campus enjoys a high occurrence of diversity in its student demographic. This, however, may not always be the case in traditional college admissions practices in the US.

Read the submitted by the American Sociological Association (ASA) to the United States Supreme Court regarding a Michigan Law School case. The goal is for you to engage the empirical data and summary arguments while drawing your own conclusions about the college admission process.

After reading the ASA’s position on this case, address the following:

  • Thoroughly summarize the key elements of the argument presented by ASA. This summary should include:
  • A general overview of ASA’s position.
  • A discussion of the fundamental justifications behind ASA’s position including residential segregation, school segregation, economic disadvantages, stigma, and the relevance of race-based life experiences to university admissions.

Please be mindful to summarize the ASA’s position on these issues in your own words.

  • Argue your own position as to whether or not college admission officers should consider race (as one of many factors), when deciding whom to accept to colleges. Be sure to use scholarly evidence and empirical data to support your position. Which position you take has NO bearing on your grade. However, you will be graded on how well you support your argument with scholarly evidence and empirical data, as well as the amount of thought put into your argument. Your argument must:
  • Be well-reasoned and based on scholarly evidence and empirical data – Not on personal ideologies and/or uninformed opinions.
  • Explain why you have chosen the position that you have (using facts and empirical data).
  • Depending on the position you take, propose either an alternative solution to addressing racial inequalities in college admissions or propose a solution for implementing racial consideration in the admissions of an actual college setting.
  • If you argue that race should not be taken into account along with other life experiences in college admissions, then you must also propose ways in which current racial inequalities of educational attainment can best be overcome.
  • If you argue that race should be taken into account along with other life experiences in college admissions, then you must also propose ways in which this could best be implemented in an actual applied setting.

The Race and College Admissions Assignment:

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length
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