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Engineering Success Seminar


Fair or not, the greatest resume won’t cause you to be hired but a poor resume will always be tossed in a “No” pile.Crafting a resume that lands an interview is really important.

Tips: A little self-promotion is good; a lot is not. A little ingratiation is good; a lot is not. Moderation is key.

What you have done is helpful to a point but what you can do and willing to do will get you hired.Your resume should be built from your journey but pointed to your future.It should indicate your development and growth; hence it tells your story. The best resume shows the capacity where you want to go and this should be crafted on the job posting.A great resume leaves the hiring manager wanting to know how well you can do the job.

There are hundreds of resume templates. For science, engineering and technology and for students, use this template

Length:1 page, unless you have significant related work experience or are applying for

academic position for which you are listing publications, presentations, and otherinformation.

Margins:No less than .5” on all sides.1” recommended

Font:Select a font that is easy to read.Times New Roman and Arial are most common.

Font Size: Font sizes should be no smaller than 10 and no larger than 16.11 point is common.

Dates: In general, dates should be in reverse chronological order within any section

Sections:EDUCATION should be the first subject, since it is your most recent accomplishment. EXPERIENCE should be the second subject.

Other:-Proofread, proofread, proofread.

-Use spell check and review any words in ALL CAPS

-Avoid using abbreviations, except for standard abbreviations, such as St. (Street),

IL (two-letter abbreviation for states), Jun. (3-letter abbreviation for months), etc.

Quick Tips for Name/Address

  • Name may be centered or left justified.
  • Use all CAPS, Bold, and 16 or 14 point size – it should be the largest font on your résumé.
  • Use horizontal line beneath name and above address. (in MS Word, use the Border function to create the line).
  • For address information, 8-10 point font is standard.(use no bigger than font size of the body of the resume)
  • Put only one email address on your résumé.Email should be a professional address, preferably your college address

Quick Tips for Experience

  • Use professional and/or part time, military, summer, volunteer, project, and classroom experiences.
  • Use bullets for descriptions.
  • Begin each description with present or past tense verb.
  • Use no more than 5-6 bullets per entry and no more than 2 lines of text per bullet.
  • List accomplishments/scope – include numbers, size of project, etc. quantity whenever possible
  • If you held more than one position with the same company, only list the company name once.
  • Give the most space to jobs you’ve had the longest & are most relevant to your future career.
    • Developed intuitive dashboard to accurately monitor power supply distribution to Data Center to optimize power consumption and reduce the carbon footprint
    • Spearhead cross-functional team of 7 for alarm testing team of engineers and vendors to build an efficient security and notification system
    • Increased efficiency 50% by developing, instituting, and supporting new test procedures and practices

FiRST Last NAme

Address | Phone number |Email: | Website/Linkedin


University of _________________May 2019

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science GPA: 3.25/4.00

Minor: Business
Illinois Leadership Certificate, May 2017

Related Coursework

Data Structures and Software PrinciplesMultimedia SystemsEmbedded Systems

Computer Architecture I, IICommunication NetworksSoftware Engineering II


AmazonJun 2018–Present

Intern, Data Center Mission Critical EngineeringSan Jose, CA


XYZ Project Aug 2017Dec 2018

  • Analyzed functional requirements, developed code, and tested software applications for successful and cost-effective product rollout
  • Part of a 5-member team for the next-generation rollout of robot control software in DEF Company, a technology research company specializing in robotics

ABC Project
Jan 2017Aug 2017

  • Effectively worked with a team of 4 to design and create an open source P2P control and collaboration system
  • After initial testing, implemented fixes to improve current product functionality and increase user satisfaction and return rate
  • 2nd place, Virtual Stock Competition
  • Implemented an online advising resource with intuitive navigation to increase website utilization by students; increased website traffic by 20% during the Fall 2017 semester


Languages: Java, C, C++, Verilog, HTML, SQL PL/SQL, MIPS

Applications: Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia, MS Office, Corel Draw 11, MATLAB


Society for Business & Management in EngineeringAug 2017Present

Society of Asian Scientist and EngineersAug 2016Present

Vice PresidentAug 2017Present


Explanation & Answer

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