Respond to two discussion


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. The sample population was described well. They had a population of around 400 men and women in a hospital setting with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The researchers had just a small paragraph or two about the sample population and how exactly they got people to participate. They even gave numbers for people who either did not want to participate or did not meet the criteria to participate. They could have potentially gone into even more detail, but I feel like what they have is appropriate for the study.

. The researchers used the convenience sampling strategy in order to get their participants. The sample that the researchers got was around 400 participants before exclusions and non-participants. All of the people were recruited from a primary care center in Spain who all had diabetes mellitus. The researchers identified them all through medical records and either contacted them in person at the clinic, through nursing consultations, or called them over the telephone to see if they wanted to participate in the research study. The advantage of the convenience sampling strategy is the simplicity of getting research subjects. It is much easier to get subjects using this strategy than others. One major disadvantage would be the fact that each of the participants is a volunteer and is not really screened thoroughly for biases. This strategy is just to get the most amount of subjects in the least amount of time.

. Both of these principles play into the actually credibility of the study. Can the study findings be replicated and actually applied to people outside of the study itself. I feel that the study manages to do this quite well and that using the kind of population that they did allowed them to be able to really address both of these important principles of the research process.


  1. Adequate Description of the Sample

Yes, the respondent sample is established, mostly based on quotas. Quota sampling is selecting a sample to ensure that it contains specified characteristics or proportions from the group of subjects being researched. In this case, the researchers concentrated on adults with COPD who reside in the neighborhood (De la Fuente et. al 2019). Their primary goal was to recruit 98 volunteers for the research and see whether a particular therapy had beneficial benefits. The study delivered research resources to 250 persons who satisfied the eligibility requirements and were enrolled participants until they reached their target number. In order to accurately represent the broader population and ensure fair representation for all individuals, the researchers aimed to include a diverse range of people with varying characteristics in the sample they studied.

  1. Sampling Strategy, Unit, Size, Advantages, and Disadvantages

This study used a type of sampling called quota sampling. Quota sampling means that specific groups of people with a condition called COPD in the community were chosen based on some specific traits. The sampling unit for this study was each person who could participate. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, they involved 98 individuals in the study.

Advantage: Quota sampling helps to make sure that specific characteristics of the population are represented in proportion. It helps make sure there is a variety of people in the group so we can have a better understanding of the whole group we are studying.

Disadvantage: However, one of the main problems with quota sampling is that it can be biased. If the quotas or characteristics chosen for representation do not accurately represent the population, the sample may not be fully representative. In addition, when choosing certain traits to show, this method might not consider the variety within those traits.

  1. Reliability, Validity, and Their Importance

In the study using quota sampling, it is important to focus on how trustworthy and accurate the results are. The research study aimed to achieve a specific number of participants in order to ascertain the effectiveness of the treatment, making reliability crucial. Making sure that participants are chosen based on specific quotas all the time can guarantee that the results are reliable.

Ensuring that the findings of the investigation truly reflect the entire population under study is of utmost significance. The study tried to include different groups of people in the sample so that the results would be accurate. However, the accuracy of the validity may decrease if the chosen quotas do not accurately represent and show the diversity within those characteristics.

The precision of the validity might decline if the selected quotas fail to portray the diversity encompassed by those characteristics effectively. Reliability makes sure things stay the same, while validity makes sure things are correct in the results, both of which are very important for making meaningful and correct conclusions from the research. Quota sampling was employed in the study to ensure an equal representation of various demographic groups in the sample.

Explanation & Answer

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