Respond to the peer post below in regards to my initial discussion post below


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You shared a good example of acting in a leadership role in the workplace. You mentioned that you took the time to organize the tasks of your team members and to include them in discussions about progress. Remember that in module 1 we learned that a leader’s responsibilities include inspiring and promoting followers (Soomo, 2023, 1.7). Providing opportunities for them to contribute solutions is one way for them to develop their problem-solving skills needed in any leadership position.

This week we are discussing formal approaches that leaders and managers can use to increase their effectiveness. They include the four functions of management (planning, leading, organizing and controlling) or the POLC approach. Contemporary or traditional management are additional approaches that can be used (Soomo, 2023, p. 2.3). In your example what standardized approach would you recommend using to organize the work that needed to be done by your teams? What other standardized approach would you recommend using to inspire and to motivate team members? Briefly explain and support your post with a credible resource to receive full credit.


It should be noted that leadership and following is a fluid concept, as it depends on the circumstances that prevail at any given time. In many occupations, such as management, for example, people can lead a group of colleagues or follow a higher superior. This initial discussion post examines one particular instance from my job-related history when I was required to assume a leadership position on a marketing project. This will look at the scenario at hand, why I was chosen as an emerging leader and some of the core roles that I played in this position.

Leadership crisis during my work with the marketing department; our team was charged with a vital mission: the launching of our new product campaign, which was of utmost importance for us as an organization. The marketing team success depended on how they operated strategically towards one direction with clarity of purpose, good judgment, decisiveness, and good leadership (Ghorbani, 2023). Therefore, I had to rise and become a leader in that unique challenge.

To be considered a leader, several things happened in this situation. It was my role to make vital decisions that would determine the course of the campaign. These included determining goals, developing communication strategies in terms of financial allocation, message development, and channel selection to reach out to the intended audience—a strong foundation of the campaign needed the involvement of my role in decision-making. In addition to this, I provided the team with precise directions on how every team member should be able to understand their role as well as how it aligns with collective efforts towards a goal (Lin et al., 2018).

Motivating and supporting my role in the team was to make sure everyone had a reason for existence and assist with any issues. I encouraged teamwork among members by leading discussions about how we could solve unforeseen problems together (Ghorbani, 2023). Overall, leadership was very important in running the marketing campaign, showing how you need to be flexible as a leader in different situations at work.

Given that I was a leader on this occasion, I was given the associated authority and responsibilities. I concentrated on the campaign’s success and guiding all other team members in that direction. In this case, leadership was critical in ensuring the coordination of the marketing efforts, thus enabling each member to have their roles towards realizing the end goals (Lin et al., 2018). The illustration further highlights how professional leadership roles exhibit a dynamic characteristic and the need to adapt to various scenarios.

Explanation & Answer

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