Respond to the peer post below answering the following question(s)


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QUESTION: If you gave an example of yourself as a follower, try to respond to someone who gave an example as a leader, and vice versa. Then, take the position of someone on the team in a leader or follower role and discuss the following:

  • Identify your role as either a leader or a follower.
  • Discuss the impact your role would have on the situation and the team.


Last week in my discussion board, I mentioned that I had recently stepped down from a leadership position with the company I work for. Before I left the position, I taught and trained my former associate everything he needed to know so that he could take over the position when I left. That was if management chose him as the new department leader and they did! I was ecstatic for him and the department. When I stepped down, I switched to a different department and did not work for my replacement. Yesterday, though, was a good example of how I was a follower. On Tuesday our store got word that the Regional Management team was coming in to tour our store first thing Wednesday morning! This is exciting but it causes much chaos throughout the store. Wednesday morning came and we were very slow in my department, so I took this opportunity to step over to my old department and speak with the new department leader and get direction on what he needed to be done to have his area ready for the company that was coming. I took specific directions from him and worked side-by-side with him to complete all of the tasks he needed to ensure his area was up and running at full potential. This is a big change for me. Before I stepped down, I would have spent time directing associates in many departments and having them work together to complete tasks, ensuring a positive experience for all involved. This is what made me a leader, previously (Soomo, 2023. p.2.2). It was a nice change of pace to take on a followership role and see how my previous associate performed as a leader in his new role.

Explanation & Answer

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