Psychology Question


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Numerous controversial treatments are promoted for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Almost all behavior analysts agree that these treatments lack sufficient empirical support. These treatments include facilitated communication, sensory integration, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, elimination diets, chelation therapy, floortime, and more. Conduct an Internet search for information on one of the topics mentioned above. If you would like to choose a topic not listed, first message your instructor for approval to be sure it is not evidence based. Also research the treatment in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis or other professional ABA journals.

Chosen treatments is facilitated communication.

Use the Controversial Treatments Template [DOCX] to complete the following:

  • Discuss at least one pro statement that supports the use of the treatment. These may come from experts, therapists, parents, or others. Also, discuss at least one con statement that opposes or refutes the treatment.
  • Summarize these statements and evaluate your findings. Discuss at least three relevant ethics codes that you have learned in this course thus far.
  • Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.
  • Explain, in your conclusion, how you would discuss the importance of using evidence-based strategies with colleagues and the families with whom you work while also respecting other professions and the people involved.

Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review the Evidence and APALinks to an external site. section of the Writing Center for more information on how to cite your sources.
  • Resources: 2–4 recent scholarly resources.
  • Length: 4 double-spaced pages, in addition to a title page and references page.

Refer to the MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site. for help finding resources.

Review the Controversial Treatments rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze ethical responsibilities to colleagues and to the profession.
    • Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.
  • Competency 2: Analyze ethical responsibilities related to practitioner-client relationships and practitioner-family relationships.
    • Explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate assessment and intervention methods using the BACB ethical code.
    • Describe a controversial treatment.
    • Discuss one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.
    • Evaluate the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
    • Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
    • Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

Controversial Treatments – Rubric
Controversial Treatments – Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe a controversial treatment.

15 to >12.75 pts


Fully describes a controversial treatment using information from at least one reputable source.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Describes a controversial treatment.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to describe a controversial treatment, but the description lacks sufficient detail.

0 pts


Does not describe a controversial treatment.

/ 15 pts

Discuss one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

30 to >25.5 pts


Discusses one pro and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment, provides significant context around these statements, and cites information from a reputable source.

25.5 to >21 pts


Discusses one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

21 to >0 pts


Attempts to discuss one pro and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment, but the statements are weak or incomplete.

0 pts


Does not discuss a pro or con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

/ 30 pts

Evaluate the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

45 to >38.25 pts


Evaluates the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes and justifies one’s own opinion on the topic.

38.25 to >31.5 pts


Evaluates the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

31.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to evaluate the controversial treatment, but does not use at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

0 pts


Does not evaluate the controversial treatment using the BACB ethics codes.

/ 45 pts

Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

15 to >12.75 pts


Explains how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not, using specific examples of behavior analytic procedures for evaluation.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Explains how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not, but the explanation is incomplete or inaccurate.

0 pts


Does not explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

/ 15 pts

Explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

15 to >12.75 pts


Explains how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members and uses at least one recent scholarly resource.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Explains how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members, but the thoughts are incomplete.

0 pts


Does not explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

/ 15 pts

Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

15 to >12.75 pts


Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and follows assignment guidelines.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

10.5 to >0 pts


Demonstrates minimally acceptable writing style, but still has instances of disorganization, grammatical or mechanical errors, or does not follow all assignment guidelines.

0 pts


Does not demonstrate an academic writing style.

/ 15 pts

Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

15 to >12.75 pts


Develops a paper that is fully compliant with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Demonstrates compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

10.5 to >0 pts


Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

0 pts


Does not demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

/ 15 pts

Total Points: 0

Use the Controversial Treatments Template [DOCX] to complete the following:

  • Discuss at least one pro statement that supports the use of the treatment. These may come from experts, therapists, parents, or others. Also, discuss at least one con statement that opposes or refutes the treatment.
  • Summarize these statements and evaluate your findings. Discuss at least three relevant ethics codes that you have learned in this course thus far.
  • Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.
  • Explain, in your conclusion, how you would discuss the importance of using evidence-based strategies with colleagues and the families with whom you work while also respecting other professions and the people involved.

Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review the Evidence and APALinks to an external site. section of the Writing Center for more information on how to cite your sources.
  • Resources: 2–4 recent scholarly resources.
  • Length: 3–4 double-spaced pages, in addition to a title page and references page.

Refer to the MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site. for help finding resources.

Review the Controversial Treatments rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze ethical responsibilities to colleagues and to the profession.
    • Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.
  • Competency 2: Analyze ethical responsibilities related to practitioner-client relationships and practitioner-family relationships.
    • Explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate assessment and intervention methods using the BACB ethical code.
    • Describe a controversial treatment.
    • Discuss one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.
    • Evaluate the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
    • Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
    • Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

Controversial Treatments – Rubric
Controversial Treatments – Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe a controversial treatment.

15 to >12.75 pts


Fully describes a controversial treatment using information from at least one reputable source.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Describes a controversial treatment.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to describe a controversial treatment, but the description lacks sufficient detail.

0 pts


Does not describe a controversial treatment.

/ 15 pts

Discuss one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

30 to >25.5 pts


Discusses one pro and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment, provides significant context around these statements, and cites information from a reputable source.

25.5 to >21 pts


Discusses one pro statement and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

21 to >0 pts


Attempts to discuss one pro and one con statement regarding the controversial treatment, but the statements are weak or incomplete.

0 pts


Does not discuss a pro or con statement regarding the controversial treatment.

/ 30 pts

Evaluate the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

45 to >38.25 pts


Evaluates the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes and justifies one’s own opinion on the topic.

38.25 to >31.5 pts


Evaluates the controversial treatment using at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

31.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to evaluate the controversial treatment, but does not use at least three of the BACB ethics codes.

0 pts


Does not evaluate the controversial treatment using the BACB ethics codes.

/ 45 pts

Explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

15 to >12.75 pts


Explains how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not, using specific examples of behavior analytic procedures for evaluation.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Explains how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not, but the explanation is incomplete or inaccurate.

0 pts


Does not explain how to effectively evaluate treatments to determine if they are evidence based or not.

/ 15 pts

Explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

15 to >12.75 pts


Explains how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members and uses at least one recent scholarly resource.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Explains how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

10.5 to >0 pts


Attempts to explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members, but the thoughts are incomplete.

0 pts


Does not explain how to communicate the importance of using evidence-based strategies to colleagues and family members.

/ 15 pts

Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

15 to >12.75 pts


Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and follows assignment guidelines.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

10.5 to >0 pts


Demonstrates minimally acceptable writing style, but still has instances of disorganization, grammatical or mechanical errors, or does not follow all assignment guidelines.

0 pts


Does not demonstrate an academic writing style.

/ 15 pts

Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

15 to >12.75 pts


Develops a paper that is fully compliant with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

12.75 to >10.5 pts


Demonstrates compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

10.5 to >0 pts


Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

0 pts


Does not demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

/ 15 pts

Total Points: 0
Explanation & Answer

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