Project two first deliverable


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Can you develop the code for the redesign sketch attached below?

Project Description

Some of the very worst designed websites you’ll come across are for banking, credit card payment, HR portals, and other non-optional websites for certain classes of customers or workers. Self-selected teams of 3 students will redesign a website assigned in class. Additionally, you will add a compelling log in page, as if this were an on-line course for sale. Your redesigned should employ sound principles of human-computer interaction, user experience, and emotional design.

Project Goals

  • Conduct a task analysis for creating a user-centered design
  • Select 3 page of the website to redo. Two content pages and one process page. The process page should be a html form page. Like a sign up page or a purchase page. One content page should be the home page.
  • Apply design principles including color/material, typography, accessible media, and grid-based design.
  • Execute a progressively enhanced, touch-friendly, mobile-first responsive design focused on system users and tasks.
  • Write informative text content; catch error conditions and guide users accordingly.
  • Experiment with design and interaction patterns for pleasing user experience.
  • Engage in agile, iterative web design and development within a team-based work-flow on GitHub, via pull requests and code reviews.


  • All source files in UTF-8/Unicode character encoding.
  • No code-generators like WYSIWYGs, Bootstrap, or other off-the-shelf frameworks
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files should both be indented with 2 spaces per level of indent; indent all CSS style rules inside the declaring block, and further indent all rules and blocks inside your media queries.
  • Must pass HTML and CSS validators!
  • HTML requirements:
    1. Only structural, semantic uses of HTML elements and attributes. Absolutely no table markup, break tags, or any other use of HTML to achieve a particular page layout.
    2. Valid HTML form elements, written in conjunction with <label> tags and the for attribute.
    3. Semantically structured text-based HTML content to accompany any media elements (image, audio, video)
  • CSS requirements:
    1. CSS file should open with a set of reset styles. Meyers, and the Form section of Normalize.
    2. Use at least two min-width media queries to enhance your mobile-first styles for larger screens.
  • JavaScript requirements:
    1. JavaScript that throws no uncaught errors and is loaded unobtrusively (no JavaScript event attributes in your HTML, in other words; attach events to any elements requiring interaction).
    2. JavaScript that uses only asynchronous methods and callbacks
Explanation & Answer

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