Project 3 Overview.


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((It’s a Project 3 OVERVIEW, not 4-5 pages. Only Write a brief response to 3 questions.))

To complete this assignment, read through the Project Three overview below and post a reply. Your reply can be questions you have about the project or possible topics and ideas you want to share with the class. Your fellow students will be able to see your questions and thoughts, along with your instructor’s response. To receive credit, you must post something in this discussion.

Project Three Overview

Project 3 asks students to develop an Analysis Project of 3-5 pages, based on the learning about writing you have developed so far, and on your projection for how you’ll approach the writing in your major field of study.

In Projects One and Two, you explored what research is, how to conduct it, and how to present research in an academic essay. In Project Three, you will consider what the writing and research in academic and professional contexts requires; you will do so by exploring the question: “How is researched information presented in a discipline, and what concepts of writing are important for writers to consider?”

What you’ll be doing

  • Draft an Analysis Essay of 3-5 pages minimum, connecting the research and writing knowledge you’ve developed over the semester, and reflecting on how that writing knowledge might be used in future
  • Locate additional sources or examples of writing in your major or discipline (minimum of 3) that you will discuss in your Analysis Essay. These examples should show how researched information is presented in that discipline
  • Analyze the writing in those sources by identifying the writing concepts that might be evident in them, or informed by them, and by connecting what you find to your knowledge about writing and how you use that knowledge in any writing situation
  • Analyze exploratory versus argument writing in the sources you find in your discipline and/or new sources you find for Project 3. Compare those to your own writing in Project Two and to other sources you found for Project Two.

In Project Three, students move from conducting and presenting research to critically analyzing how research is presented in publications of their academic major or discipline (or one they are considering).

You will consider these questions in analyzing the writing in your major:

  • what are the genres of writing in which research is featured?
  • how is writing cited in academic and non-academic contexts in your field/discipline?
  • how is information presented, considered, and analyzed in a particular discipline?
  • what purpose does research serve for a particular discipline?

You might explore scholarly works, key publications, professional outreach, and/or subject matter communication to understand how researched information is shared in their discipline. You’ll analyze what a writer in that discipline must know to engage in the writing of that discipline successfully. You’ll analyze to understand your discipline further, prepare for continued learning through writing/as a writer in that discipline, and develop knowledge about the real-world applications of the writing you’ve started to learn about in 1102.

The knowledge we gather from research, as you did in P2, has a place in the world of information. There are more sources now than ever, and more reason than ever to understand how information relates to other information, how it works differently in various contexts and genres and for different audiences and is used in the world for various purposes. The old saying, “knowledge is power” holds – the more we know and understand the more power we have in a situation, or to understand something, or to achieve our goals. In order to understand what is being communicated, we must consider key concepts about writing and develop our knowledge about how to strategize writing in various situations to ensure our communication is effective.

Reflecting on and analyzing what we know about writing generally — and in each writing situation we encounter — is a practice we must develop for success in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

P3 Overview Assignment

Write a brief response to this overview by addressing the following:

  • Identify some of the concepts about writing we have discussed in this course. There is research of course, but beyond that, what are the writing concepts that you consider important for a writer to know? For example, is there any concept within the rhetorical situation we need to consider when we write? Are there other concepts that impact us as writers in the world?
  • What do you know, or think you know, about the kinds of writing that are practiced in your (potential) major field (because every field includes writing or written works) and what are the expectations of the writing in your field, if you had to guess?
  • What do you imagine is most important to understand about the writing in your academic major in order to participate in the conversation of that discipline or field of study?
Explanation & Answer

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