Principle Risk and Insurance


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Risk Report Outline Due

Paper length (main body) should not be longer than five pages or less than 3 pages using 11-point font.
Concise and to the point written communication will be part of the paper evaluation. The paper should
not include and Life, Health, or Retirement concerns, unless they are specific to an immediate risk.
Below is the outline;

Section 1. Summary of Chosen business or organization
This should not be longer than a half a page and address, primary business purpose, size, and business
market realities. Include how the product is produced and how it is marketed and distributed.

Section 2. Summary of Potential Risks
This section should not be a list of all risks but what you feel are the primary risks faced by the entity.
Examples of potential risks and exposures could include; Physical facilities, intellectual, electronic,
security of information, online or privacy risks, reputational risks, legal or legislative risks.

Section 3. Summary of Potential Risk Management Tools
This section should identify potential risk management tools available to address your identified risks.
Consider discussion on Avoidance, Reduction, Retention, and Risk Transfer. When you choose an
approach for a particular risk such as Reduction, you should explain what it would look like and what
why the approach is suggested.

Section 4. Risk Management Recommendations
This section should include recommendations on which of the items in Section 3 should be pursued.
These decisions can be due to an immediate need or exposure, potential, exposure, size of the potential
risk, or due to changes in economic realities. It should include some cost benefit analysis only in
general terms. It can also include items that the company is currently doing or could be doing. This
should be based on your opinion and supported by topics reviewed in the text and class.
There are no right or wrong choices, the intent of this exercise is for you to identify potential risks and
how you would address them.

Oral Presentation
Your oral report is a presentation on your paper. It should include a power point, a summary of your
company and a review of your recommendations. The length should be about 5 minutes, and a
presentation that is too short or too long will receive a deduction.

Explanation & Answer

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