Powerpoint: Topic to use: Schizophrenia


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Presentation: Realistic Clinical Case Study

For this assignment, you will develop a presentation on a realistic clinical case on a topic that is of interest to you.


Submission Instructions:

  • The presentation should be original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides and be less than or about 5 minutes in length.
  • Voice-Over is required.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.

Content Requirements:

You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information that will cover the below aspects. Also, review the distribution of your points based on the assignment rubrics below.

  1. Subjective data: Chief Complaint; History of the Present Illness (HPI)/ Demographics; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem; Review of Systems (ROS)
  2. Objective data: Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family history; Past surgical history; Social history; Labs; Vital signs; Physical exam.
  3. Assessment: Primary Diagnosis; Differential diagnosis
  4. Plan: Diagnostic testing/Labs to order; Pharmacological treatment plan; Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; Patient education, Anticipatory guidance (primary/secondary prevention strategies); Follow-up plan.
  5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines; Integration of research articles; Role of the Nurse practitioner

Below is the distribution of your points based on assignment rubrics:

-Chief Complaint (Reason for seeking health care) 4/4

-Demographics 2/2

-History of the Present Illness (HPI) 4/4

-Allergies 2/2

-Review of Systems (ROS) 9/9

-Vital Signs 2/2

-Labs 3/3

-Medications 4/4

-Screenings 3/3

-Past Medical History 3/3

-Past Surgical History 3/3

-Social History 3/3

-Family History 3/3

-Physical Examination 9/9

-Diagnosis 5/5

-Differential Diagnosis 5/5

-Pharmacologic treatment plan 4/4

-Diagnostic/Lab Testing 5/5

-Education 5/5

-Anticipatory Guidance 4/4

-Follow up plan 4/4

-References 3/3

-Grammar 3/3

-Incorporation of Current Practice Guidelines 4/4

-Role of the Nurse Practitioner 4/4

Total Points-100/100

Explanation & Answer

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