Policy Question


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As you know, the Gordon rule requires you to write a solid research paper to pass this class. Here is more assistance.

You do not need an abstract or an appendix for the Position Paper. You can delete these sections once you download the APA paper template from our library. You do need the title page and References page.

Your paper will have a traditional essay format with paragraphs (containing at least 3 sentences) that address each section of the paper:

This paper complies with the Gordon Rule requirement. If you do not complete this assignment successfully, you cannot receive higher than a “D,” regardless of how many points you accumulate from other assignments.

Guidelines/Requirements for Writing Position Paper

A Position Paper is just like any research paper, except your thesis in this research paper is your position or view on American politics or policies (environmental, immigration, healthcare, civil rights, economy, etc), or the work of our political institutions (political parties, Congress, the President, the Supreme Court).

Please confirm the topic before you begin working on this paper.

The paper is limited to 3-4 pages (not counting the Reference and title pages). The essay must be typed and double-spaced, using 12 PT Times New Roman font size. Paragraphs should contain at least three sentences. The paper should follow a traditional essay format with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Proof the paper for any errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling. For clarification and proper language style, use any handbook for college writing. The paper must follow the APA template and guidelines and include a complete and accurate alphabetical reference list (separate page), where you cite all sources for your research. In-text citations must correspond with items in the reference list, as APA requires (Rascius, 2022)

Required Resources

All your sources must be from PBSC Library Databases (e.g., Americas News, Gale in Context Opposing Views, CQ Researcher, etc.). Ensure your Reference citation includes the permalinks (the example is provided below*). It is essential to support your argument with credible evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. Palm Beach State College librarians can assist you in conducting research for this assignment. The paper must be written in 12-point font using APA style format, grammatically correct, and accurately cite at least 3 sources (for a “C” grade, 4 for a “B,” and 5 for an “A”).

Here is the organization outline for your Paper.

a) Introduction: In your Introduction, gain the reader’s attention—why is this topic/ issue/ institution interesting to you? You can provide supportive statistics, examples, or a related story. State your position and explain why you hold this view. Does your opinion correspond with someone else’s? Cite the author(s) who offered the idea. State your thesis; in this case, state your position and explain why you hold this view.


b) In the 2 to 3 paragraphs, elaborate on your chosen topic. Add additional sources from PBSC databases to develop and clarify. (cite your source/s).

c) In the next 1-2 paragraphs, explain how this issue affects you as an American citizen and our government and politics

d) In the next 1-2 paragraphs, explain what is your position on the topic. Would you like to change this policy? How would you go about changing this policy? Use articles from PBSC databases to support your argument (cite your source/s).


e) Your conclusion should be a clear summary (not exact wording) of the paper and should correspond with your essay’s thesis. It should come full circle and connect with your introduction.

Use your own words in writing and cite your sources in the text and References. Your Turnitin score for the body of the paper (excluding the Title page and References) must be below 5 %. Be sure to cite your articles and the text according to APA—your in-text citation/s must correspond with your References.


All sources cited in the text must correspond with entries in your reference list.

Here is an example of the source from America’s News database cited in APA with the permalink:

Rascius, B. (October 10, 2022). Many voters from both parties say election fraud could cause midterm losses, poll says. Miami Herald. https://infoweb-newsbank.com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/apps/news/document-
view?p=NewsBank&t=stp%3ANewspaper%21Newspaper/decade%3A2020%212020%2 B-
%2B2029&sort=_rank_%3AD&fld-base-0=alltext&maxresults=20&val-base- 0=election%20fraud&fld-
nav-0=YMD_date&val-nav-0=10/10/2022%20- %2010/17/2022&docref=news/18D11C74AC03CE98 this is the permalink

Explanation & Answer

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