Policy Memo # 2


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POLICY MEMO #2: Due 11/7 before class:

Explain why a system where governments pay donors for their kidneys is (or is not) a good idea. Make sure to consider and include a range of evaluation criteria in assessing the policy.

Each memo should not exceed four pages double spaced, 12-point font. You will be graded on your logic and analysis as well as how clearly you present your case. Each policy memo should DIRECTLY address the prompt in the syllabus. You should ALWAYS take into account political feasibility when recommending/defending a policy. Outside reading and research is welcome but not required.


20 >18.0

Masterful (90-100%)

Explicitly states a compelling, well-structured argument that directly addresses the prompt with internal logical consistency.

18 >17.0


Explicitly states a strong argument that effectively addresses the prompt with good logical consistency.

17 >16.0


Presents a clear argument, generally addressing the prompt with logical consistency.

16 >15.0


Argument is present but may not fully address the prompt or lacks depth and/or logical consistency.

15 >14.0


Argument is weak, unclear, or tangentially addresses the prompt, with potential issues in logical consistency.

14 >0


Lacks a coherent argument or does not address the prompt, with significant issues in logical consistency.

20 point

Exposition and Formatting

15 >13.5


Exceptionally well-organized with flawless grammar and spelling. Perfectly formatted as per guidelines.

13.5 >12.75


Well-organized with minimal grammatical or spelling mistakes. Mostly adheres to formatting guidelines.

12.75 >12.0


Organized with some grammatical or spelling mistakes that don’t hinder understanding. Some minor formatting issues.

12 >11.25


Some organizational issues and noticeable grammatical or spelling mistakes. Formatting may not fully adhere to guidelines.

11.25 >10.5


Lacks clear organization and has numerous grammatical or spelling mistakes. Significant formatting issues.

10.5 >0


Poorly organized with pervasive grammatical or spelling mistakes. Largely ignores formatting guidelines.

15 point

Readings and Concepts

25 >24.0


Expertly engages with and cites course readings and concepts. Demonstrates deep understanding of the rational choice framework.

24 >21.25


Engages effectively with course readings and concepts. Shows good understanding of the rational choice framework.

21.25 >20.0


Engages with course readings and concepts adequately. Understands the rational choice framework.

20 >18.75


Engages minimally with course readings and concepts. Some understanding of the rational choice framework.

18.75 >17.5


Minimal engagement with course readings and concepts. Limited understanding of the rational choice framework.

17.5 >0


Does not engage with course readings or concepts. No understanding of the rational choice framework.

25 point


25 >22.5


Offers insightful critique and robust evidence to support the presented argument, considering viewpoints from lectures or materials, including the professor’s perspective.

22.5 >21.25


Offers solid critique and substantial evidence to support the argument, considering viewpoints from lectures or materials.

21.25 >20.0


Offers basic critique and some evidence to substantiate the argument, considering viewpoints from lectures or materials.

20 >18.75


Attempts to critique viewpoints and provide evidence for the argument from lectures or materials, but may be superficial.

18.75 >17.5


Minimal critique of viewpoints and scant evidence for the argument, with potential misunderstandings.

17.5 >0


Does not offer valid critique or provide sufficient evidence to support the argument, and misunderstands viewpoints.

25 point

Originality of Thoughts

15 >13.5


Demonstrates significant originality, presenting innovative ideas or perspectives.

13.5 >12.75


Shows some originality in ideas or perspectives.

12.75 >12.0


Demonstrates basic originality, with some reliance on existing ideas.

12 >10.5


Limited originality, with significant reliance on existing ideas.

10.5 >0


No evidence of originality or independent thought.

15 point

Total Score:100

Explanation & Answer

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