Please complete the ppt of section 3


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1.Research the assigned organization

2. Describe the internal culture using several relevant factors discussed in Chapter 4. Based
on this culture, what do you consider to be the ideal employee for this company?
3. Consider the behavior of this company as described in the article linked below (and
please find other articles or sources to further learn about the actions).
a. Does this behavior reflect, or is it against, the company’s culture? How/why not?
b. What message(s) are the leaders sending by having taken this action?
4. Using the ethical decision-making model (EDM) of Chapters 2-3, analyze what else the
company might have done besides the act described in the article. Be sure to consider
each element of the EDM through comparing and weighing options and alternatives.
5. Ultimately, considering your EDM analysis, do you agree with the company’s action, or
do you think another action would have been better? Consider what you have learned
from Chapters 1-4 and 6-7 in your analysis

Logistics and Requirements
You need to present using no more than 15 slides (Powerpoint), including a title page and
a Works Cited page. No smaller than 16-point font may be used except for your Works
Cited page.
Balance in your discussion is key. Consider that there are multiple perspectives.
Include a Works Cited list at the back of your presentation. You must include at least 3
quality citations other than the link below. You may cite to the book but be sure to note
the page(s) consulted.
Each student must contribute significantly. If I have reason to believe that one person is
not contributing fully, I will discount their grade accordingly based upon peer feedback.
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation must be accurate. RU policies on academic integrity,
including identifying sources and using quotes apply. Do not over-use quotes.
This assignment is worth 15% of your overall grade, inclusive of peer feedback.

McKinsey – Group 8
Hamby, Chris and Forsythe, Michael. “Behind the Scenes, McKinsey Guided Companies at the
Center of the Opioid Crisis”, New York Times (online), June 29, 2022

I attached the Word file that is something we wrote for the Mckinsey and you can go through it and write the ppt based on this.AndA] here is our ppt link:…

Explanation & Answer

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