Phil Discussions(2) and 2 responses


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Discussion 1

Discussion question, Please go to and find the topic “Artificial Intelligence” ( )or “Is the Internet ‘making us stupid’?”

Pick one Pro OR one Con (except for the one used in the example below) and do the following:

  1. Using the material in Chapter 5, try to diagram the premises and conclusion(s) in Standard Form.
  2. Then, discuss whether the argument contains any extraneous material of rhetoric that needs defusing, whether there are any fallacies such as generalizations, ambiguity, or vagueness, and whether the argument contains any flaws that can be criticized.
  3. Finally, comment on the strength of the argument and if it is a good one, why it is so.

This example uses Pro 1 for “Artificial Intelligence” (ProCon.Org)

Part 1

P1). AI can make life easier and safer in areas concerning driving, streaming, and grocery shopping.

P2). AI can eliminate the need for gym memberships and help us stay healthier at home.

P3). AI can vastly improve the practice of medicine.

C1). Therefore we should embrace all of the benefits of AI and live better lives

Part 2

The argument does not contain extraneous material but has implicit assumptions that the audience desires all of the actions. While it would be hard to argue against enhanced medical care, not everyone wants a smart speaker spying on our babies (yes, I am using biased language to convey a point). However, in terms of the complications mentioned in Chapter 5, the argument is clear and straightforward.

Part 3

I believe this argument is inductive because even if the premises were true, the conclusion is not necessarily so. I would have to say it is moderately strong. While I can see the benefits of such enhancements, I do not know if convenience could trump things like personal security and privacy., “Artificial Intelligence (AI) — Top 3 Pros and Cons.” 30 Mar. 2023, Accessed 1 May 2023.

Discussion 2


Information is everywhere and there is a glut of opinions, news, and data on the internet when making a decision. Some of this information is accurate and is free of bias while other information exists just to manipulate you. This is an exercise in discernment. For this week’s discussion, you will select two (2) resources from the internet (i.e. CNN, Breitbart, Twitter, Truth Social, The Young Turks, MSNBC, RT, CNBC, Newsmax, or any Facebook channel to assess. Any “news” source is fair game. Try to see if you can find similar arguments made by organizations or resources on the opposite political spectrum if possible. Then do the following:

State one argument made by each resource you will assess. Then, using one or more methods from Chapter 6, assess the claims for truthfulness and logic. See if you can develop some counterexamples or whether you can use any information in the two sections on Engaging with the Argument to assess the claims. Try to have some fun with this.

Finally, give your opinion on the quality of the source and whether one should see each as credible or not to be trusted.

Explanation & Answer

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