Phase 4: Marketing/Promotions Plan


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A marketing/promotions plan gives direction and serves as a systematic guide of everything involved in planning and coordinating an upcoming event. It discusses the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your marketing campaign. In Phase 5, you will write a six part marketing plan with the topics listed below. The structure and content of your event’s marketing plan will depend on the type of event you are staging. Please be brief in each section.

1. Executive Summary/ Mission Statement

The executive summary or mission statement is a brief overview of the main points of your marketing plan. In other words, it’s a summary of what you plan to do (the event), what you plan to achieve by staging the event, and how you plan to do it. This part of your marketing plan should also describe the nature of the event as well as the people expected to attend and participate in the event. Make sure to keep your Executive Summary brief but compelling enough to prompt the reader to read the whole plan.

2. Target Market(s) – Demographics, Interests of those attending

In an event planning marketing/promotions plan, this part defines the people who will attend your event. So, you need to identify and define the categories of people you expect to attend your upcoming event; unemployed graduates, CEOs, small business owners, and so on.

Using the word, “everyone” is silly, because it’s unrealistic. You sure don’t have what it takes to accommodate everyone in your city if they all choose to attend. So, your best bet is to be as specific as possible. Not only will this help you decide the apt preparations to make, but it will also help you know where to focus your attention and efforts.

You can define your target market using either demographics (age, gender, employment status, marital status, location, occupation, etc.) or interests (sports, politics, business, literature, etc.). Target the right people, or else you will get little or no responses, and your promotional activities will be wasted.

3. The Event

Having defined the people you expect at the upcoming event, you will also need to define what these people expect from such an event and what your event promises to offer them. You must give a detailed description of your event and the activities, services, value, pricing, and promotion that would be involved.

Whether you are staging a seminar, a show, a dinner, an entertainment cruise, or a fundraiser, you need to identify what will most likely attract people to the event. In addition, you must explain what those present at the event will gain from it, as well as what makes the event unique; be it the venue, activities involved, size, entertainment, food, or whatever. That is, list the unique selling points of the event.

4. Marketing/Promotions Objectives/

Marketing Strategy – product, price point, place, promotions. WHAT IS YOUR REACH? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO REACH THEM?

This is the part where you discuss what you hope to achieve by staging the event (your objectives) and how you will achieve these objectives. Remember that your objectives must be SMART—that is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. You will refer back to these objectives at the end of your event to figure out if the event was successful or not.

This part discusses how you will reach out to your target market. It is the most important part of your event marketing plan, since the success or failure of your event hinges largely on how well you plan and implement your marketing strategy.

Your marketing strategy will discuss how you will use the four P’s of marketing–product, price, place, and promotion—to achieve your objectives. Will you advertise your event in local newspapers, blogs, magazines, radio, or TV? Will you advertise on social media? Will you print and distribute flyers and handbills? Will you sell tickets online or offline? Do you have enough budget to implement your marketing plans? These are important questions you need to answer when mapping out your marketing strategy.

5. Evaluation of the Event – post production

This is the last part of your event marketing/promotions plan. This part of your plan will explain how you will evaluate your overall success—based on whether you achieved your objectives or not

I will uplod a file for my friend and she already doing part 1,2,and3. So you just need to complete part 4 and 5.

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