Organizational Behavior practice


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1. Collect at least 30 different organization’s slogans. Arrange the organizations into group who have similar types of slogans (similar oorganizational cultural variables). For example you might says “these 5 companies’ slogans all show they value XX and these 6 companies’ slogans show that they want to be known for XX.” By the end of the week share what you feel are different organizational cutures based on the slogans that you selected. Justify how you selected and categorized your groups. the list is attached in the word document.

2.Change: Consider this fictitious example. Due to massive cutbacks in both federal and state support and dramatically decreasing alumni gifts, your college or university must make some significant changes that will influence revenue and cash flow. The school had anticipated a budget increase this year in order to hire more faculty, reduce class sizes, and improve academic programs. Instead funding was cut.

The university administration is mandating the following initiatives:

  1. All freshmen and sophomores must live on campus in dorms (to increase occupancy).
  2. There will be Saturday classes (to increase utilization of classroom space).
  3. All faculty members will have their teaching loads increased by one class per semester (to reduce the need for additional faculty).
  4. All classes must have a minimum of fifteen enrollments or they will be canceled. All introductory courses will be taught as large lecture sections (to reduce the need for faculty and increase the profit margin per class).
  5. Students must pay a $250 per semester parking fee to have a car on campus and a $100 per semester security fee (to pay for parking facilities and campus police).
  6. All majors with less than 100 students will either be consolidated or eliminated (to focus resources on larger majors).

Consider yourself to be a mid level administration within this organization. Brainstorm what type of resistance is likely to arise from these changes and from whom. Within your posting, organize specific examples of resistance into five or six categories. Discuss what strategies might be effective in overcoming each category of resistance. In addition, discuss what other ways the college or university might address the problem.


  • As a manager/admin you may feel some changes are “stupid”; however, manager often have to support and implement changes with which they personally do not agree.
  • Think about all stakeholders in the process – who will be impacted by this beyond students and faculty.
  • What are the needs of all stakeholders in this example?

0% plagarism or AI, it will be checked. just in your own words.

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