NR443 61809 Week 1: Discussion Social Factors


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Preparing the Assignment

  • Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
    • Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
    • Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
    • Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
    • Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
  • Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
  • Best Practices include:
    • Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
    • Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
    • Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Discussion Question

There are many factors that make people healthy or ill. This week we will focus on the social factors and determinants that impact health.

It is time to get out into your community!

  • Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at Links to an external site.(*note, you will be using this website in the Week 2 assignment, so you can get started on collecting all the required data if desired)
    • Input your local zip code, city, or county. Try to get as specific data as possible (city, township, county).
    • Next, identify the:
      • Total population
      • Median income
      • Percentage or number of persons living in poverty
  • Go to your local grocery store, use a flyer, or app. Include the stores name, city, and state. Identify cost for the following items (please note whether items are organic):
    • 1 gallon of milk
    • 1 loaf of bread
    • 1 bag of apples (include price per pound)
    • 1 bag of carrots
    • 1 large container of yogurt
    • 1 2-liter of soda
    • 1 bag of chips
    • 1 package of cookies
  • Utilizing the data collected, discuss social factors that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.).
  • Discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) could use one of the 17 intervention categories from the Public Health Intervention Wheel to address areas of food security (Nies & McEwen, 2019).
  • In your responses to classmates, include comparisons and contrasting information.

Your discussion post should look like:

  • Paragraph one: Utilizing the data collected, discuss a social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)
  • Paragraph two: Utilizing the data collected, discuss another social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)
  • Paragraph three: Discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) could use one of the 17 intervention categories from the Public Health Intervention Wheel to address areas of food security
  • Resources: Where did you find your data?


To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric. See Syllabus for Grading Rubric Definitions.

Explanation & Answer

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