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**PART 1**

1. A. Please define, in several sentences each and in your own words, what you believe to the be the main ideas within these ethical theories: relativism, universalism, egoism, altruism, virtue theory, hedonism, stoicism, natural law, rights theory, Kantian, utilitarian and justice theories. (roughly 8-10 sentences).

2. State which of these theories is the one you most accept (explain why) and which theory is the one you least accept (explain why). (roughly 2-4 sentences)

3. Clearly and specifically IDENTIFY and READ any TWO selections, OR WATCH any TWO videos (OR read any 1 selection and watch any 1 video) FROM SECTION ONE found in Course Resources (found as the 4th item at the top of the Modules page), and briefly share any one key idea from each (two ideas total) and whether you agree or disagree and why. (roughly 2-4 sentences)

Total=approximately 500-700 words (not including your replies to fellow students). Note: students are not penalized if they go beyond the word count.

  • Your work must give evidence of listening to the lectures by directly referring to them, discussing the specific issues and information provided in them.
  • The only accepted content for use and/or citations for these discussions must come from the lectures, readings, and videos provided within Course Resources.

  • **PART 2**
  • Write a double-spaced 3-5 page essay on any of the topics below (or one other approved)–do not repeat topics from your three discussions. Note: the 3-5 pages is for the body of the paper–not including the title page and end page/citations page.
  • Your essay must make at least 3 references/connections to material available in our course modules (my lectures, our readings in our text or in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and videos). To help prevent plagiarism, outside sources should be used only sparingly as a fourth reference and must not be the majority of your citations.
  • Hodges University requires APA format. The general rule is that if you are sourcing something beyond general knowledge, cite the source.
  • Use quotes sparingly, but always quote when using verbatim information.
  • What are the specific issues within your topic which most interested you, and why are you interested? Explain.
  • What positions do you take on each of these ethical issues? Explain.
  • What is/are your rationale/reasons for taking these positions, and which ethics theory discussed in this course would you use to support your views and why? Explain..
  • **PART 3** Please define in several sentences each and in your own words, what you believe to be a central moral issue within each of these ethical issues: bioethics, abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment. (roughly 8-10 sentences).2. State which of these issues is MOST interesting to you AND what your own position on it is, and explain which ethics theory (which we covered in section one) would most support your position and why. (roughly two-four sentences total).3. Clearly and specifically IDENTIFY and READ any TWO selections, OR WATCH any TWO videos (OR read any 1 selection and watch any 1 video) FROM SECTION TWO found in Course Resources (found as the 4th item at the top of the Modules page), and briefly share any one key idea from each (two ideas total) and whether you agree or disagree and why. (roughly 2-4 sentences)Total=approximately 500-700 words (not including your replies to fellow students). Note: students are not penalized if they go beyond the word count
  • Your work must give evidence of listening to the lectures by directly referring to them, discussing the specific issues and information provided in them.
  • The only accepted content for use and/or citations for these discussions must come from the lectures, readings, and videos provided within Course Resources.
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