Need help with a sociology discussion


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n this module, you learned about the growth machine theory as a way to understand the competing interests involved in urban development, and to explain why certain kinds of development projects tend to be implemented – even when they negatively affect the interests of some city-dwellers.

In this discussion board, you will be applying core ideas of the theory to analyze a local development project – the Camino Square project that will build new apartments and retail space in the center of Boca Raton. This project was proposed by a developer and approved by the Boca Raton CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) in 2019, in spite of several objections from local residents. To complete your initial post, watch the following video from Channel 5 (WPTV). about the development and the CRA hearing, and answer the following questions using growth machine theory.

1) What is one way that Camino Square project will likely affect use values in the area? Who is likely to benefit or lose out from these impacts?

2) What is one way that the project will likely affect exchange values? Who is likely to benefit from this impact?

3) Why was this project controversial? What are some of the competing interests around this project that emerged in the council meeting?

4) How would proponents of the “growth machine” theory explain the Boca Raton CRA’s decision to approve the project?

In your follow-up response, offer a substantive reply to one of your classmates’ initial posts. A few questions you may want to consider: Did they identity any use or exchange values involved in the project that you had not initially noticed? Do you agree or disagree with their evaluation of the competing interests involved? Why? Suggest any additional insights from the growth machine theory that help us understand why the project was controversial, and why it was approved in spite of the controversy?

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peer response

1) One way that the Camino Square project will most likely affect the use value in that area will be creating more traffic than there already is. And residents in that area will lost out from this upcoming impact, the area will be more crowded and traffic flow will be heavy and congested where residents homes are.

2) One way that the project will likely affect exchange value will be the neighborhoods near by will go up since they have everything near them and it’s an ideal place to live. Also bike lanes will be removed to create more flow so that it prevents traffic.

3) This whole project is controversial in many ways but one of them is that residents living in the neighborhoods in the proposed area are concerned that adding Camino Square will add more traffic to the traffic that happens everyday making it worse since more cars will be added to the congested area.

4) In order for Boca Raton CRA’s decision to approve the project the developers will try and buy property from the Fresh Market in order to add lines to the road and keep the bike lanes adding ten feet.

Explanation & Answer

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