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Each of us has had our performance appraised many times already in life. In a very current example, I have appraised your performance on papers and discussion boards in this class, as well as on the quizzes and the mid-term. Likewise you will be appraising my performance when you compete the student evaluation of the course, and you have likely completed many student evaluations of faculty earlier in your college career. You have already had your academic performance appraised multiple times, have likely had your work performance appraised, and at various times in your life you have had your athletic, musical, artistic, gaming, and/or other type of personal activity appraised. Chapter 10 of the textbook discusses in significant detail how work performance should be evaluated, and some of the problems that often occur during performance appraisal.

For this paper, reflect back on at least three instances where your performance has been appraised. It is preferable that these be work experiences, but if you believe some other experience is particularly illustrative of a good (or bad) appraisal process, feel free to use other experiences as examples. The focus of this paper should be on describing how these examples of personal performance appraisal “fit” with the descriptions of performance appraisal processes in Chapter 10. Performance appraisal should not be thought of as simply someone else appraising you, and over which you have little control. The individual being appraised has the ability to influence both the process and the outcome. In my own experience, I can reflect on several instances where I should have done something differently in advance of, or during an appraisal, that may have resulted in a better outcome for me. Most managers don’t enjoy doing performance appraisals, so if the employee can make it easier for the manager, everyone might end up happier! The point of this paper is to show linkages between the theories and your own experiences with performance appraisal.

This paper should be around 1500 words, with proper referencing of all sources used. I recommend using the APA format for the paper and references, although I am not a stickler for following every detail of the official formatting guidelines. The library or the writing center can provide assistance if you have any questions. There are also a number of sources of information regarding this standard, including and As described in some detail in the academic integrity section of the syllabus, it is very important that all sources of information used receive proper attribution in papers.

It is recommended that papers be turned in a day or two early, because life can get complicated, computers can crash, or other things can all of a sudden “demand” your attention in the last 24 hours before the paper is due. As noted in the syllabus, late papers are not accepted.

Blackboard is set up for two attempts to upload a paper. Occasionally, someone clicks on the wrong thing to upload. Or sometimes just after it has been uploaded, someone remembers they didn’t include something important. Mistakes happen. If a second document is uploaded within 24 hours of the first, only the second attempt will be graded (and the first one will be ignored). If a paper is turned in early, I will typically wait at least 24 hours before grading it, just in case a student decides to make some change. Once the first attempt of a paper is graded, a second attempt will not be graded. Papers are typically graded in the order received, and I will start grading papers prior to the deadline.

Once you upload your paper and see it in the viewer, sometimes the pagination changes, or there ends up being a blank page in the middle, or margins shift. Don’t worry about that – the actual paper you submitted retains the original margins and pagination. It is just that Blackboard’s viewer (for some reason) has trouble displaying it. I look at the underlying document, so any changes you see in the viewer won’t impact your grade.

Submit the paper in Blackboard using the .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. If you submit in any other format, you will lose points.

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