Journalism Question


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Drug Tests in High School



Don’t forget your AP Stylebook to help guide you through the writing.

Ill. INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following information to write the story. There are many details to the story. Therefore, remember to include the most important information first, including the 5Ws in the lede, and a nut graph that provides additional info. The last two paragraphs will include more details to the story.

There should be (at least) four paragraph for this assignment.


  1. It seems to be turning into a controversy in the Mesa Public Schools district.
  2. The district’s governing board is considering implementing random drug testing
  3. of all student athletes at the high schools. Students and parents on both sides
  4. of the issue plan to attend Thursday night’s board meeting, which was to be in
  5. the library at Wilson Elementary School but has been moved to the cafeteria at
  6. Kennedy High School to accommodate the expected large audience.
  7. The 5 members of the governing board you were able to talk to Tuesday night
  8. before your deadline, David DeBecker, Mimi Lieber, Judie Lu, Diana Maceda and
  9. Jane Tribitt, were reluctant to say anything before the meeting that might give
  10. away their positions on the issue. Gary Hubbard is the superintendent of schools.
  11. He didn’t really want to say much either when you called him, but then did admit
  12. that he was the one who asked the board to consider the new policy. He believes
  13. there are members of the football and boys’ basketball teams that are using steroids
  14. and other performance-enhancing drugs, and said some players on those teams
  15. have come to him and complained.
  16. The school can’t test only certain athletes, Hubbard said, so they have to test
  17. players in all sports. Hubbard referred you to the governing board’s attorney, Karen
  18. Bulnes. She said she had drafted a proposed policy for the board to consider, but
  19. said she doesn’t know how they will vote. She said such a policy is legal based on
  20. past United States Supreme Court decisions.
  21. You were able to talk to some students at the high school this morning before
  22. classes started. Hazel Beaumont was dropping off her son, Roger, in front of
  23. the school. Roger is a tenth-grader who is playing soccer in the fall. He thinks
  24. drug testing is a violation of his privacy, but then admitted that he really likes
  25. playing soccer and probably would take the test. His mother said she would
  26. make him take the test, and said she’ll be at the governing board meeting.
  27. Two girls who play field hockey, Ann Capiello and Amy Deacosti, don’t like the idea
  28. either, but said they don’t have anything to hide and would take the test if required.
  29. Both girls are seniors and when you asked them about the football players taking
  30. steroids, Ann said she has heard that.
  31. James Carigg and Diana Nyer are seniors who both play basketball, and both are
  32. opposed to drug testing. In fact, they plan to go to the meeting and voice their
  33. opinions against the idea. Lu called you back after you had talked with her and
  34. said she decided to publicly say that she is in favor of the idea because she
  35. thinks it will be a deterrent for students who might be thinking about taking drugs.
  36. The meeting will start at 7 p.m.


The top of paper should include at least:

  • Student name
  • Date
  • Class
  • Assignment Name/Title


  • Word Doc
    • complete sentences
    • proper English …NOT texting style
    • proper grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation
      • Example, the pronoun ‘I’, as in me, is written with a capital letter not a lowercase ‘I’.





  1. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the work.
  2. Do not wait until the ‘eleventh hour’ to contact me with last minute questions, I may not be available to respond in time.
  3. Review the rubric (below) before submitting the assignment.


ASSIGNMENT – Drug Tests in H.S.

ASSIGNMENT – Drug Tests in H.S.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeREQUIREMENTS

5 pts

Meets Expectations

Includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

3 pts

Approaches Expectations

Includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

2 pts

Below Expectations

Includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

0 pts

No Points

Did not submit Assignment

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJOURNALISM WRITING5Ws, S-V-O, Nut graph includes info to expand the lead, last paragraphs expands info

10 pts

Meets Expectations

The assignment has all the important facts creating a strong and concise informational story; journalism applications applied.

6 pts

Approaches Expectations

The assignment has most of the important facts that contribute to creating a simple story; most of the journalism applications applied.

3 pts

Below Expectations

The assignment has a few facts; some journalism style of writing.

0 pts

No Points

Did not submit Assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONVENTIONSSpelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization

5 pts

Meets Expectations

Assignment has minimal to no errors that distract the reader from the content.

3 pts

Approaches Expectations

Assignment has a few errors that distract the reader from the content.

2 pts

Below Expectations

Assignment has various errors.

0 pts

No Points

Did not submit Assignment

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDEADLINE

5 pts

Meet Expectations

Assignment submitted before or by deadline.

2 pts

Below Expectations

Assignment submitted after deadline without the instructor’s approval.

0 pts

No Points

Did not submit Assignment.

5 pts

Total Points: 25

Explanation & Answer

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