jh(comm120,psy150) 3 parts.


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PART 1–Review Activity 3


Please see the instructions that follow for this Review Activity 3 assignment. This activity is focused on reducing debilitative emotions.

  1. Use the four steps on pages 247–251 of textbook for this activity and not other sources.
  2. You need to double space the assignment.
  3. Further instructions and question are listed in the assignment below.
  4. The assignment needs to be 150-180 words long.

PART2–Discussion – Early Adulthood and Relationships

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Recall the lecture reading and videos concerning adult social relationships. For this discussion think about the relationships you’ve been in, both good and bad, and address these questions. Does the nature of our adult relationships have anything to do with the attachment styles that emerged in early childhood? How do our adult relationships differ from those of childhood and adolescence? Why are relationships important? What makes for a relationship that’s mutually satisfying for both parties? Please refer to the chapter, lecture reading and videos for context. But what makes this really interesting is personal examples. What worked, and what didn’t work, in your various relationships? We always learn something from these experiences. How would you go about entering into a new relationship given what you now know? What would you avoid in the future? What advice would you give others?


In young adulthood two important things take place. We define who we are and we enter into adult relationships. As already mentioned, it’s important to understand ourselves before we can truly enter into meaningful relationships with others.

To begin this assessment, post a synopsis of your personality test results or self-analysis that you completed from the personality inventories page presented early in this unit. You need not submit the whole printouts, nor any great detail, but discuss the overall results and what those indicate regarding the type of person you are. Then address a couple questions. How did you become the person you are? What were the major influences that helped to shape your personality? Do you feel your personality has changed much through the years, and if so, how?

I’d then ask if you were able to relate to the messages from those videos about one’s adult self. Did they remind you of yourself at an earlier age? What about now? In line with the videos, I’d like you to consider who or what influenced your perceptions of yourself as a teen, and compare those perceptions with how you would define yourself today. Do you see yourself differently? Is your view of yourself based on outside influences? Or have you come to define yourself based more on your own internal assessments?

Use examples and references from the material and try to connect that to your personal experiences as you address the questions.

Explanation & Answer

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