Into to probability and stats


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Continue working on your project. You will now write two hypothesis tests for your data one on a proportion and one for a mean. Make certain to justify your use of one or two tails and why you picked the value to compare your test data to. Be sure to include and edits suggested in your instructor’s review or the peer review. Due Monday at Noon.

Please use the data you originally collected for part 1. You will add these new parts to report part 2 and3.

1. For this project you must find some published or existing data. Possible sources include: almanacs,magazines and journal articles, textbooks, web resources, athletic teams, newspapers, professors with experimental data, campus organizations, electronic data repositories, etc. Your dataset must have at least 25 cases, two categorical variables and two quantitative variables. It is also recommended that you are interested in the material included in the dataset.

2. Decide what to analyze.

(a) Set up a hypothesis test for a quantitative variable. You may compare to a suspected parameter or compare two computed statistics. State your null and alternative hypothesis in the correct formatting:

H0: parameter = value

Ha: parameter ≠ value

(b) Set up a hypothesis test for a categorical variable. You may compare to a suspected parameter or compare two computed proportions. State your null and alternative hypothesis in the correct formatting:

H0: p = value

Ha: p ≠ value

3. Add to your report!

(a) Include all items requested above. Include text about each and why these hypothesis decisions were made.

The report submission will be graded by the following criteria:

  • Continuation -10 points. The report includes the material from the previous reports and any errors that interfered with the cohesion of the report have been fixed.
  • Statistical analysis – 20 points. The statistical tests are all provided and typeset correctly.
  • Interpretations – 10 points. The results of the statistical analysis are clearly explained and interpreted in the context of the problem. The conclusions accurately reflect the analysis and are well supported.
  • Writing quality – 10 points. The paper is readable and clearly written. There are few, if any, grammatical or spelling errors and they do not interfere with the clarity of the paper. If you have any questions about this assignment feel free to email me or come by my office.
Explanation & Answer

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