Interview Transcript & Critique


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Begin this assignment by creating 5-10 open-ended questions for the person you wish to interview. Remember to also avoid asking “why” questions.

In a face-to-face interview with the person of your choice, ask the questions and allow the person you are interviewing sufficient time to answer.

When creating your questions, arrange them in a logical order to help the interview flow.

Refer back to the course content regarding interviewing.

Consider COVID-19 safety when conducting your interview. You may meet in person or through video chat. You have free use of Zoom, through UNT.

Do not email the person the questions to answer. This does not provide you with the ability to practice your skills.

Audio or videotape your interview in order to type out the transcript for this interview; however, you will not turn in the recording.

It is highly advisable to:

  • Conduct your interview well before the assignment is due;
  • Set up a backup person to interview in case your interview falls through;
  • Use the Interview Transcript Template to document your assignment.

To prepare your assignment:

In BLACK font, transcribe your interview;

In RED font, following each question you asked, label the communication skills (found in the course textbook, your own resources, and on content documents provided throughout the course). This does not have to be a formal citation. We just want to know where you found your information. For example: (Smith, 2018) will suffice.

Use at least 3 different skills.

In BLUE, following each question/answer, provide a self-critique by noting things you believe you did well and you could improve – include both verbal and non-verbal communication).

Follow the transcript with a 3-paragraph summary of the overall experience, from beginning to end. Include:

  • What led you to choose this person for your interview?
  • What thought process went into formulating your questions;
  • How do you feel the interview went;
  • Include any other information you believe pertinent to the experience, including any feedback about your interviewing skills you might have received from the person you interviewed.

Assignment Format Requirements:

  • Word document;
  • Times New Roman, 12-point font;
  • Use citations for labeling the communication skills used;
  • There is no length minimum/maximum for this assignment, as questions/answers will vary in length for each student.
  1. Those are might be the quesstions.
  2. Can you describe your typical day or work routine in your current role, and what aspects of it do you find most engaging and fulfilling?
  3. What inspired you to pursue a career in your current field, and how has your perception of this field evolved since you started?
  4. Can you share a specific challenge or obstacle you encountered in your career, and how did you navigate it? What lessons did you learn from that experience?
  5. How do you stay motivated and continue to grow professionally? Are there specific mentors, books, or experiences that have had a significant impact on your development?
  6. In your opinion, what are the key trends or emerging areas within your industry or field, and how do you see them shaping the future of the profession?

Interview Assignment Template (Brief)

This is a very brief example of an interview, providing a template for setting your assignment up accurately.

MARY: Thank you for agreeing to allow me to interview you. I am taking a Microcounseling class and conducting an interview to practice open-ended questions.

ANDREW: You’re welcome. That sounds like an interesting course. I am anxious to hear your open-ended questions. I have always heard they work best but I don’t always remember to use them.

SKILL(S) USED: Explain (Online Textbook).

SELF-CRTIQUE: I like this question. I believe it is open-ended and a good way to begin an interview where my intention is to find out about a career choice in which I am interested.

MARY: Tell me about the career goals you had as a child.

ANDREW: That is an interesting question. My parents were both educators, so I think that gave me role models. I wanted to be a teacher as far back as I can remember.

SKILL(S) USED: Eye-contact (Hurbert, 2013, p. 260).

SELF-CRTIQUE: I like this question. I believe it is open-ended and a good way to begin an interview where my intention is to find out about a career choice in which I am interested.

MARY: You mentioned your parents were role models for your career. Who else was a role model to you throughout your life?

ANDREW: I had a teacher in high school, Mr. Miller. He taught algebra. I didn’t especially like math, but I liked Mr. Miller’s teaching style. I learned a lot about the kind of teacher I wanted to become.

SKILL(S) USED: Connect statements (Adler, 2015, p. 97).

SELF-CRTIQUE: I think this question went well and Andrew answered it the way I meant to ask the question, but when I was typing the transcript, I realize it might have been better for me to specify what type of role model I meant – in what area of life.

Explanation & Answer

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