Interview and Interrogation Term Project


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Interview and Interrogation Term Project – Interview 4

  • This is paper 4 of the term project.
  • The object of the interview is to obtain information that will be used in your term project.
  • DO NOT bullet or enumerate or use any type of Q&A format for the answers to the questions you ask.
  • DO transform the questions you ask and their answers into paragraphs of narrative in your paper that are detailed and written at the university level.

Paper 4 – The Really Uncomfortable Interview

  • The object of the interview is to get the answers to these questions which you will translate into part of a term paper at the end of the semester.

Detail Questions – Each question should have at least one full paragraph of text NOT one word answers. Remember, you have to use this information to write a final paper.

  • If you had to describe your use of alcohol as never, occasional, or social, how would you describe it?
  • How many alcoholic beverages would you say you consume in a week?
  • Have you ever driven under the influence of alcohol?
  • Have you ever used any illegal drugs?
  • How does drinking alcohol or using drugs make you feel?
  • Have you ever engaged in sexting behavior with anyone?
  • Have you ever watched adult pornography?
  • Does it excite you?
  • Do you consider sex more of a physical or emotional act? Why?
  • Did you have reservations about participating in this interview process?
  • Be very truthful and honest here and think carefully before you answer the next question okay – Why did you agree to participate in this project and be interviewed by me?
  • During this interview process did I build a rapport with you and make you feel comfortable talking with me?
  • Did I offend you in any way?
  • During this interview process you had an opportunity to observe me as an interviewer – were there things you think I could have done better?

Use These Subheadings


Purpose of Interview (what are you trying to learn from the interview)

Location of Interview (Describe in explicit detail the location from wall color to windows to how you are seated. Use references to back up the importance. You should be one on one in a secluded spot)

Body Language (focus on the face. See if you observe any micro expressions. Use references)

Paralinguistics (This is a pitch change or how a word changes the meaning of what is said. You should pick up on this with uncomfortable questions. Use references)

Summary (what you learned/saw/heard in the interview)

Conclusion (what you expect to explore further in the next interview)

Needs to be very detailed on body language and location. Need in- text citations to support interview. Person being interviewed is called Clifford

Explanation & Answer

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