Improve the work about consumer behavior


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I have already finished this homework, but I received some comments from professor and need someone help me to imporve it.

Please 1. Read all requirements 2. improve the current work based my following two comments:

a. For question 1, should add and talk about “What other comparison groups do we need?” and analyze other comparison group

b. Question 2 need to use the concept in PPT 3 (the 3 words she mentioned) please add those concepts and explain

HW requirements:


  • Please complete this assignment based on Sessions 1, 2, and 3 ( I will show you session 1,2,3, slides later when you pick up this assignment), without consulting any individuals and without using ChatGPT or similar aids.
  • All items should be straightforward. However, if you happen to have any clarifying questions, please post them to Ed Discussion so that all students will have access to the answers. Please do NOT ask questions in person or over email–discussing the assignment in private communications will be avoided to ensure that all students have equal access to information.


  • Please use the following Word file below and type your response in the designated space for each item. Please do NOT include your name, do NOT alter any formatting (e.g., margins, font, spacing), and do NOT exceed the page limit. The purpose is to ensure that the graders can focus solely on the content of your responses (e.g., rather than your identity or formatting). Please convert the document to a PDF file for submission.
  • Please plan to submit your assignment before the deadline, as the submission window will close promptly at that time. If you happen to experience any technical issue with the submission portal at the time of submission, please promptly email your assignment to all three Teaching Assistants (found in the “people” section of the Canvas page) so it is still submitted by the deadline.
  • Please direct all extension requests to AASL and in a timely manner. If you have a late submission with AASL approval, simply email your assignment and a copy of the AASL approval specifying the extended deadline to all three Teaching Assistants. If you have a late submission without such approval, you may still email your assignment to all three Teaching Assistants, with the understanding that a penalty will apply.


  • This assignment consists of 3 items, each worth 10 points.
  • In this scoring system, all responses will start with a score of 0 and accumulate additional points up to a score of 10, i.e., low scores on this assignment do not indicate proportionally low performance but simply reflect the cumulative nature of the scoring.

Please keep in mind that failing to follow these instructions may constitute a violation of the academic integrity and honor codes and/or result in the loss of points.

Item 1 (up to 1 page):

Below are excerpts adapted from a Forbes article “5 morning habits of highly successful people” (hyperlink:…

“[…] These five morning habits of highly successful people will help you kick-start your day so you can achieve greater focus, clarity and productivity.

Morning habit #1: Ditch the alarm clock

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos swears by eight hours of sleep each night. He’s also a big proponent of waking up naturally, without an alarm. Oprah also wakes up on her own. […] Arianna Huffington follows a similar routine. […]”

(1) This article provides the information that there are three people who do not use an alarm clock and who are highly successful. However, based on Session 1, it does not provide three additional pieces of information necessary to examine the association between not using an alarm clock and being highly successful. What are these three pieces of information?

(2) Which of the three consumer research questions explored throughout Session 2 can be answered using the same statistical test as the one for testing the association between not using an alarm clock and being highly successful?

(3) This article is written with the premise that “These five morning habits of highly successful people will help you kick-start your day so you can achieve greater focus, clarity and productivity.” According to Session 2, do the excerpts provided offer sufficient evidence to support such a causal relationship, particularly the idea that not using an alarm clock will help you become successful?

(4) Based on Session 2, how might one provide evidence to support the idea that not using an alarm clock will help you become highly successful?

Item 2 (up to 2 pages).

Choose a concrete and specific real-world practice adopted by a company or an organization (e.g., advertising technique, pricing strategy, hiring process, or any other practice). Ideally, include a picture or a screenshot as evidence of this real-world practice. Next, develop a research question that compares the current practice to an alternative practice you believe could be more effective, excluding research questions discussed in class. Then, discuss the theoretical and practical significance of your research question, as defined in Session 2. Finally, propose an experiment to test the research question, following Session 2.

Item 3 (up to 2 pages).

Choose a concrete and specific real-world advertisement (e.g., a flyer, rather than a general strategy), excluding ones shown in class. Ideally, include a picture or a screenshot as evidence of this real-world advertisement. Next, discuss what changes you might make to the advertisement to attract greater attention to its content, applying the three principles from Session 3.

Explanation & Answer

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