IBM 3062 Sales Presentation Project


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My item that I am trying to sell is a Costco Membership.

The written project has two distinct parts, Part I and Part II. Follow the directions given precisely.

Part I

You are to submit to me one typed copy of Part I (approx. 2-4 typed pages in length for Part I -double spaced is okay). USE MY OUTLINE FORMAT FOR THE INFORMATION REQUESTED AND DON’T USE COMPLETE SENTENCES (e.g., In business for 20 years instead of We have been in business for the past 20 years). Be clear and concise. Staple Part I pages; do not have Part I bound or in a folder. Include your name and product/service name at the top of each page.

My product and firm

A. Product/service

Outline information about the product/service you are selling (what it is, how it works, how the buyer would use it).This should be written in easy-to-understand language (e.g. don’t copy this out of a brochure or technical product description).

B. My company

Outline information about the company you are representing (e.g. number of plants/offices, image, size, anything else that will be helpful for the buyer to know).

My buyer

  • The buying firm

Outline information about the company you are selling to. Give enough information so that the buyer can understand what the buying firm does and what product/service it is currently using (that you will replace with your product/service).Remember to include the title (and brief job description) of your buyer.

  • Buyers needs

Outline information about your buyer’s needs with regard to your type of product as far as you understand them now. You must provide enough information for the buyer to answer your needs identification questions and generally understand the situation. Note: you will be better off if you only list about two basic needs.

  • Buyers Customers Needs

If you’re selling something that will be resold (e.g., you are selling Hunts Ketchup to Sam’s for them to sell to the public), you must include two sets of buyers needs: the needs of your customer (e.g. Sam’s) and the needs of your customers customer’s (e.g. person who walks into Sam’s to buy ketchup). Make sure the two lists are separated.

  • What you’ve done so far with this buyer and the buyers firm

Outline information about what you have done with this buyer to this point (e.g. results of previous meetings or phone conversations; material you have sent them to look at; conversations you have had with someone else in this buyers organization).

The buyers options

Provide enough information so that the buyer can easily understand his/her options

Your own product/service (Put actual name here. Include prices.)

  1. Strengths

A., B., etc.

  1. Weaknesses

A.., B., etc.

Direct competitor number one (Put actual name here. Include prices.)

  1. Strengths

A., B., etc.

  1. Weaknesses

A., B., etc.

Direct competitor number two (Put actual name here. Include prices.)

  1. Strengths

A., B., etc.

  1. Weaknesses

A., B., etc.

Indirect competitor (Put actual name here. Include prices.)

  1. Strengths

A., B., etc.

  1. Weaknesses

A., B., etc.


Outline your goals for this meeting (the presentation you will have in class).

  1. Primary goal
  2. Minimum goal
  3. Optimistic goal

Part II

Submit one typed copy of Part II (approx. length of Part II is 4 pages-doubled spaced is okay) which follow the outline below. Include your name and product/service name at the top of each page.


Include an exhaustive list of all possible objections (minimum of 10). Number them (1,2,3,….). Use single space. Use 1st person form of pronouns and verbs (e.g., I don’t like . . .). Objections should fit on one page (use size 10 font and reduce page margins if necessary). These must be very specific to the scenario you have set up (e.g., not just something like, The value does not exceed the cost.).


On the next page of your paper tell how you would helpfully respond to each of the objections you just listed. Use 1st person style. Number them to correspond to the numbers on the “List of Objections” page.

Explanation & Answer

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