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As a manager for agency that assist clients in identifying Long-Term care facilities for themselves or family members, it is important for my employees to be empathetic. Our clients are most likely coming from a vulnerable place needing help; so, it is important to be able to sympathize with them. Being empathetic can create a trustful bond with the clients. It allows for them to be comfortable exploring their options whether it be for living care, day care, or experiences.

Good communication skills

All employees should have good communication skills when it comes to communicating with the clients. Whether it is family member or a client themselves, communication can go a long way and helps the process of assisting the client with their needs/options. When doing interactions with clients by phone, online conferences or chat, it is is important for communication to be clear since clients may be older. They may not understand or know how to work technology clearly, so talking clearly and providing information in a way that the client can understand is more professional. Communication skills aren’t always about what you explain but how you explain. Saying things in simpler terms or repeating things for your clients may exclude any confusion clients may have about a facility and /or service.


Another professional characteristic that an employee of the agency must have is patience. It is not easy for a family member or a client to discuss long term care or needing assistance. This is a time in their lives where it may be stressful and might not be in the best mood. Patience is key when dealing with tough moments and not having patience can make these decisions harder for patients to endure.

As being an owner and manager of an agency that assist clients in identifying long-term care facilities and/or services for themselves or family members; these 3 professional characteristics are a need for my employees to exhibit.

Discussion 2

As the owner of an assisted living home, I think that my staff members should demonstrate a variety of professional characteristics. The first and most crucial quality that any associate should have is knowledge of eldercare services. Staff members need to be well-versed in the many long-term care alternatives, services, regulations, and methods used in this area of healthcare; therefore, this information is essential to all aspects of their job. Possessing an in-depth understanding of eldercare services will allow every staff member to feel confident in offering clients accurate, trustworthy, and personalized recommendations. As a result, customers feel secure, educated, and at ease while selecting the best long-term care choice. Cultural competence is another essential quality I want all of my employees to possess. In order to create an inclusive atmosphere where residents and their families feel appreciated, cultural competency is essential. It allows staff members to deliver care that is mindful of cultural differences and respects customs, dietary requirements, and religious beliefs. By bridging language and understanding constraints, cultural competency also improves communication by giving residents and their families a sense of being heard and understood. This promotes a sense of belonging and respect for all. The last essential characteristic for my team is active listening. It may take longer for senior clients and their families to voice their questions, concerns, and wishes. It is important that all staff members demonstrate patience to actively listen and ensure that all aspects of the client’s situation are understood. Employees who actively listen to their clients will be better equipped to address their concerns and help them get any unanswered questions or problems resolved.

For me, the most important qualities in an employee are expertise, cultural competence, and active listening. I think everyone should have access to the highest quality of care. My assisted living facility will stand out from the crowd by focusing on improving the lives of residents and their families and by fostering a warm and friendly atmosphere. This approach will contribute to the overall success and positive reputation of my facility, making it a place where residents truly feel at home.

Explanation & Answer

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