How might the changes impact the relevance of Buddhism in the world?


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Please discuss the following prompt:

    • Buddhism has adapted with many cultural and societal changes as it spread around the globe throughout history. How have modernity and globalization influenced the message and expansion of Buddhism within recent history? How might these changes impact the relevance of Buddhism in the world? At what point, if any, will the original meaning of Buddhism be lost?

The essay should be approximately 1000 words and include the following:

Use at least one source from our assigned readings for class;

Use at least one peer reviewed source found outside our course readings;

Use at least once concept found and cited from the courses lectures;

Use Chicago Manual of Style with footnotes and bibliography for citations.


Rubric with Guide for Improvement (1) (1)

Rubric with Guide for Improvement (1) (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngagementThis judges your ability to answer the prompt. It not only includes content, but also ensures you adhere to the length requirements

22.5 pts


Full marks have been achieved. You have clearly answered the prompt fully and reached the word length requirement.

19.58 pts

Very Good

This answered the prompt, but only superficially. More depth is required. This may have also been short of the required word length.

16.65 pts


This doesn’t really address the prompt fully, and/or does not meet the word length requirements. More is required.

13.73 pts


Does not really address the prompt, and is significantly short of the word length requirements.

10.8 pts


Fails to address the prompt in any meaningful way.

0 pts

No Marks

22.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKnowledgeThis judges your ability to understand the greater issues at play within the prompt. It not only includes understanding, but also examines how these themes relate to larger themes in the class or in the world.

20 pts


Full marks have been achieved. You have clearly understand and have addressed the issues at play.

17.4 pts

Very Good

This shows a pretty good understanding of the material, but some points were confused or unclear.

14.8 pts


There were some significant parts that demonstrated a lack of understanding or were unclear.

12.2 pts


Does not really understand or address the issues at play, but does touch on some of the themes raised in class.

9.6 pts


Fails to understand the issues in any meaningful way.

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical analysisThis judges your ability to critically analyze the issues in a meaningful way. It shows your ability to think for yourself, and support your claims with evidence.

22.5 pts


Full marks have been achieved. You have clearly demonstrated you critical analysis of the material by digesting the material and using original thought to explain your understanding.

19.58 pts

Very Good

This shows a some strong critical analysis, but has relied too heavily on other’s ideas and opinions, without contributing much of your own thinking.

16.65 pts


Much of your ideas were lost, but instead only relied on opinions of others to do the thinking for you. It tends to be only a series of quotes and cited material, without your voice entering into the picture.

13.73 pts


Does not really provide much critical analysis either from others or yourself.

10.8 pts


Fails to provide any sort of analysis at all.

0 pts

No Marks

22.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearchThis judges your ability to research your material. You should have at least the requested number of peer reviewed sources stated in the assignment details.

15 pts


Full marks have been achieved. You have not only met, but exceeded the requirements for finding and utilizing peer reviewed sources relevant to the issues.

13.05 pts

Very Good

This was very good. You have met the minimum requirements for finding peer reviewed sources relevant to the issues.

11.1 pts


This does not meet the required number of peer reviewed sources, but does have at least some.

9.15 pts


This has sources, but they are not peer reviewed or not relevant to the issues.

0 pts


Fails to provide any meaningful research at all.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure/Flow/GrammarThis judges your ability to organize your thoughts in your essay in a clear and well structured manner. It also demonstrates a writing style that complements the information you are trying to portray.

10 pts


Full marks have been achieved. Your writing is clear and easy to follow from point to point. Is structured well, with no/very few grammatical mistakes, and flows nicely from start to finish.

8.7 pts

Very Good

This was very good, but had a number of grammatical mistakes and/or issues with flow. Be sure to look at my writing tips for things to avoid.

7.4 pts


This had significant grammar and/or structural issues. The points were difficult to follow and seemed to lack flow from one point to another.

6.1 pts


Some structure but hard to follow

4.8 pts


Not really structured at all and/or very difficult to read.

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitationThis judges your ability to properly cite your research and resources. I require the use of Chicago (CMS) style. I have provided a resource through my writing tip about how to use the style of citation.

10 pts


Full marks have been achieved. You have citied everything perfectly.

8.7 pts

Very Good

This was close, but there was some inconsistency in your citations. Sometimes you got it, and sometimes you didn’t.

7.4 pts


This was good, but you are likely missing some information in your footnotes/bibliography.

6.1 pts


This means your are probably confusing Chicago style with other styles, or you have used Chicago style, but forgot a bibliography.

4.8 pts


Simply did not use Chicago style at all. You may have used another style perfectly, but that is not what I require.

0 pts


Failed to use any footnotes and/or bibliography at all through your essay, neglecting to properly cite any information.

10 pts

Total Points: 100


Explanation & Answer

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