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A random variable X is normally distributed. It has a mean of 234 and a standard deviation of 22.

List the givens with correct symbols:

= 234

= 22

a) If you take a sample of size 12, can you say what the shape of the sampling distribution for the sample mean is?

Why or why not? Check all that apply.

b) For a sample of size 12, state the mean and the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean when n = 12:

standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean when n = 12:

Round final answer to two decimal places

Question HelpQuestion 1:


Question 2

Check 0/6 pts Retries 3 Reattempts 99 Info Details

The mean starting salary for nurses is 67,694 dollars nationally. The standard deviation is approximately 10,333 dollars. The starting salary is not normally distributed. A sample of 32 starting salaries for nurses is taken.

It is possible with rounding for a probability to be 0.0000.

a) Identify the individual, variable, type of variable and the random variable X in the context of this problem.

The individual is

The variable information collected from each individual is

This variable is a variable.

The random variable X is as follows:

b) List the givens with the correct symbols.

= 67694 dollars

= 10333 dollars

= 32

c) Identify the random variable

X¯ in the context of this problem.

d) Find the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

e) Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value rounded to two decimal places in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

f) What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Why? Check all that apply:

g) Find the probability that the sample mean starting salary of the 32 randomly selected nurses is less than 66726.1 dollars.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

h) Find the probability that the sample mean starting salary of the 32 randomly selected nurses is more than72422.42 dollars.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

i) Is a mean starting salary of 72422.42 dollars unusually high for 32 randomly selected nurses?

j) If you found a mean starting salary for a sample of 32 nurses as high as 72422.42 dollars, what might you conclude?

Question HelpQuestion 2:


Question 3

Check 0/6 pts Retries 3 Reattempts 99 Info Details

According to the WHO MONICA Project the mean blood pressure for people in China is 128 mmHg with a standard deviation of 23 mmHg. Blood pressure is normally distributed. Suppose a sample of size 24 is taken.

It is possible with rounding for a probability to be 0.0000.

a) Identify the individual, variable, type of variable and the random variable X in the context of this problem.

The individual is

The variable information collected from each individual is

This variable is a


The random variable X is as follows:

b) List the givens with the correct symbols.

= 128 mmHg

= 23 mmHg

= 24

c) Identify the random variable

X¯ in the context of this problem.

d) Find the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

e) Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value rounded to two decimal places in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

f) What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Why? Check all that apply:

g) Find the probability that the sample mean blood pressure of the 24 randomly selected people in China is less than 123.8 mmHg.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

DO NOT use the rounded standard deviation from part e in this computation.

Use the EXACT value of the standard deviation with the square root.

h) Find the probability that the sample mean blood pressure of the 24 randomly selected people in China is more than 138.89 mmHg.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

DO NOT use the rounded standard deviation from part e in this computation.

Use the EXACT value of the standard deviation with the square root.

i) Is a mean blood pressure of 138.89 mmHg unusually high for 24 randomly selected people in China?

j) If you found a mean blood pressure for a sample of 24 people in China as high as 138.89 mmHg, what might you conclude?

Question HelpQuestion 3:


Question 4

Check 0/6 pts Retries 3 Reattempts 99 Info Details

The size of fish is very important to commercial fishing. A study conducted in 2012 found the length of Atlantic cod caught in nets in Karlskrona to have a mean of 49.9 cm and a standard deviation of 3.74 cm. Assume the length of fish is normally distributed. A sample of 18 fish was taken.

It is possible with rounding for a probability to be 0.0000.

a) Identify the individual, variable, type of variable and the random variable X in the context of this problem.

The individual is

The variable information collected from each individual is

This variable is a variable.

The random variable X is as follows:

b) List the givens with the correct symbols.

= 49.9 cm

= 3.74 cm

= 18

c) Identify the random variable

X¯ in the context of this problem.

d) Find the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

e) Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Put the numeric value rounded to two decimal places in the first box and the correct units in the second box.

f) What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Why? Check all that apply:

g) Find the probability that the sample mean length of the 18 randomly selected Atlantic cod is less than 51.3 cm.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

DO NOT use the rounded standard deviation from part e in this computation.

Use the EXACT value of the standard deviation with the square root.

h) Find the probability that the sample mean length of the 18 randomly selected Atlantic cod is more than51.53 cm.

Round final answer to 4 decimal places.

DO NOT use the rounded standard deviation from part e in this computation.

Use the EXACT value of the standard deviation with the square root.

i) Is a mean length of 51.53 cm unusually high for 18 randomly selected Atlantic cod?

j) If you found a mean length for a sample of 18 Atlantic cod as high as 51.53 cm, what might you conclude?

Explanation & Answer

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