Homework 5


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While no specific style of formal citations are necessary, please remember to specifically indicate where you get the material you are referencing from. This includes the authors name and specific lecture. Each response should have an additional citation to course material besides the text referenced in the question. Please also use the attached worksheet.

1)In class you have learned about some of the strategies that disabled authors use to tell stories about disability. Identify one strategy that you see Susan Nussbaum using in Good Kings, Bad Kings (GKBK). Provide one example from Good Kings, Bad Kings and explain how your example illustrates that strategy. (4pts) Must include a minimum of one citation in addition to Good Kings Bad Kings.

2)In class, you learned about the concept of interdependence. Identify an example from Good Kings, Bad Kings that shows this idea and explain how the examples illustrates the concept of interdependence. (4pts) Must include a minimum one citation in addition to Good Kings Bad Kings.

3)This week we focused on analyzing Khakpour’s narrative. As we discussed in the lecture multiple factors impacts Khakpur’s experience of illness. Select one example and explain what factor are impacting her experience and how that creates the view of her illness narrative. (2pts)

The following should be included in your response for question 3-

·A quotation of an event from Khakpour’s text including the page number

·Describe what factor is influencing Khakpur’s experience.

·Use specific detail from this quote to support your answer to the following relevant questions-

oHow is she being read (stereotyped) by others?

oWhat meaning is being made about her illness here?

oWhy is this important to explain her experience?

·How is she drawing this out for the reader? (Think back to the tools that we have discussed disabled authors use)

Sources to use to cite:

– Good Kings, Bad Kings, a novel by Susan Nussbaum

– Khakpour, Porochista. Sick: A Memoir, Harper, 2018. 1-37. (attached)

– Raghavan, Srinidhi. “Review: Porochista Khakpour’s ‘Sick: A Memoir.’” Medium, 26, June, 2018. https://medium.com/skin-stories/review-porochista-khakpours-sick-a-memoir-4b67b1af96a2

– Miserandino, Christine. “The Spoon Theory.” Butyoudontlooksick.com, https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/

– Crow, Liz. “Including all of our lives: Renewing the social model of disability.” Equality, Participation and Inclusion 1. Routledge, 2010. 136-152. http://www.roaring-girl.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Social-model.Morris-book.pdf
– Crow, Liz. “Lying down anyhow: an autoethnography.” Qualitative Inquiry 20.3 (2014): 359-361. (Attached)

– Mingus, Mia- Access Intimacy, Interdependence, and Disability Justice-https://leavingevidence.wordpress.com/2017/04/12/access-intimacy-interdependence-and-disability-justice/
– Interdependence- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FdwZK6pL1M

– The Independence Myth: People with Disabilities are Interdependent Too- Denise Lance- TedxKC- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PD04yP4n-A

Explanation & Answer

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