homework 11


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You are working for the National Park Service at Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington state. Data has been collected dealing with daily snowfall amounts for the park at Paradise station, one of the snowiest places in the United States, as part of advertising to the public. You are required to develop a computer program that will perform snowfall averaging analysis. The input data file is called snowfall.txt. As you examine the input file, you notice that the record lines are the snowfall amounts: 4 rows (four weeks in December 2022) and 7 columns (one for each day of the week).


Write a Python script that will read the data from the input file, such that the snowfall amounts are stored in a two-dimensional array. Manipulate the two-dimensional array to calculate the total snowfall for the month, the average snowfall for the month, and the average snowfall for each day of the week. Then find the minimum and maximum snowfalls and the locations in the array of the minimum and maximum values (finding the first instance of each is OK). Finally, count how many days with above-average snowfall occur (use average snowfall for the month to determine this) and how many days occur with no measured snowfall.

Most of your code will likely be in the main() function. You’ll have a separate user-defined function to verify the input file is at the specified path. Other functions are up to your discretion.

Print the output to the computer screen and to an output file called snowfall_report. Illustrated below is the output style for the computer screen and the output file.




Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7

Week 1 xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x

Week 2 . . . . . . .

Week 3 . . . . . . .

Week 4 . . . . . . .

Avg: xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x xx.x


Minimum snowfall is xx.x inches in week xx, day x.

Maximum snowfall is xx.x inches in week xx, day x.

There are xx days with above-average snowfall.

There are xx days with no measured snowfall.



Once you have your program working, exit the Python IDE that you are using. Make sure that your source program file name conforms to the following specifications:


where: sn is your section number (01, 02, 03, …)

pn is the program number (11)

first is your first name

last is your last name

An example for the tenth coding assignment would be 1_11_elmer_fudd.py.


Submit both your handwritten problem-solving process and your Python source code using the Assignments button in Blackboard. Remember to submit your Python source program in Python 3 only, using code as demonstrated in class. No other format will be accepted.

If you make changes to your program and need to resubmit, rename the file such as 1_11_elmer_fudd_2.py or 1_11_elmer_fudd_3.py, etc. Then use the Assignments button in Blackboard to submit the new version. Only the most current submitted program version will be graded.


Files on the grader’s computer and Dr. B.’s computer will be located at:
C:ENGR 200snowfall.txt and C:ENGR 200snowfall_report.txt

Explanation & Answer

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