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Module 05 Written Assignment – Ethical Standards Response

Module 05 Content

  1. Scenario: You are working as a medical administrative assistant at a small clinic in a rural town where you grew up. You know almost all of the patients personally, as friends, family members, former coworkers, and former classmates. Because the clinic is so small, you are the main employee responsible for managing all medical documents in the facility. Consider these scenarios:

    1. Mr. Jones, a close neighbor of yours, calls the clinic and asks you to print out a copy of his wife’s medical chart. He explains that he needs to bring a paper copy of her records to an appointment with her neurology specialist later that day. You tell Mr. Jones that his wife will need to sign a release form in order for you to provide him with the information in her medical chart. He replies that she is ill today and not well enough to come in and sign the document.
    2. Jess, a 14-year-old patient, comes in for a well-child visit with her father. You show them to their exam room and let them know it may be 10-15 minutes until the physician is able to enter. A few minutes later, Jess approaches you at the reception desk and quietly asks if she can see the physician without her father in the room.
    3. Mya Tanek and Ben Schuyler share custody of their two teenage children. You have known both Mya and Ben since attending high school together many years ago. Ben stops into the clinic to ask you about his son, Jayvin’s care. He wants to know when Jayvin’s next appointment is, why he was recently referred to a behavioral therapist, and if his medications have changed recently. Ben explains that Mya has been withholding information about their kids since their divorce a few years ago.

    Instructions:After considering the scenarios above, answer the following questions.Scenario A

    • What are your legal obligations to Mrs. Jones in this scenario?
    • Identify the possible ethical dilemma(s) in this scenario.
    • Can you release the information to Mr. Jones without the signed form? Can Mrs. Jones provide permission over the phone?
    • What is the best solution to this situation?

    Scenario B

    • What are your legal obligations to Jess in this scenario?
    • What are your legal obligations to Jess’s father?
    • Identify the possible ethical dilemma(s) in this scenario.
    • Can you ask Jess’s father to leave the room?
    • What is the best solution to this situation?

    Scenario C

    • What are your legal obligations to Ben in this scenario?
    • What are your legal obligations to Jayvin in this scenario? Does this depend on his age?
    • What are your legal obligations to Mya in this scenario?
    • Identify the possible ethical dilemma(s) in this scenario.
    • Can you release the information to Ben? Why or why not?
    • What is the best solution to this situation?

    Assessment Requirements/Submission Requirement:

    • Identify your legal obligations for each scenario.
    • Identify possible ethical dilemmas for each scenario.
    • Identify the HIPAA/release of information protocol in each scenario.
    • Identify the best solution to each scenario.
    • Your response to each scenario should be about ½-1 page in length.
    • Complete your work using Microsoft Word and APA formatting.

    Additional resources:

    Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem

Explanation & Answer

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