help with physical chemistry lab report


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Title Page with Abstract. (5 pts, both formal and informal reports) In addition to the title, this page should contain your name, the names of your other team members, the date of the experiment, the date submitted, and the abstract. The abstract should be brief but include the purpose and method in a sentence or two, followed by your final results, along with the literature values and a comparison.

Introduction. (10 pts, 0 pts informal) This should begin with a sentence describing the purpose of the experiment, i.e., the properties being determined. This is followed by an outline of the theory relating the data collected to the final results. Pertinent equations should be included with all symbols identified.

Experimental Methods. (5 pts, 0 pts informal) Include a short paragraph describing the method and the source and purity of chemicals used to carry out the experiment, along with one sentence referring to the specific handout that details the procedure. Any modifications in the procedure also should be mentioned.

Results. (16 pts, 22 pts informal) The data from your notebook is summarized in a neat and organized form with uncertainty estimates. Usually, this is in the form of clearly labeled tables or graphs. Provide tables of any data recorded in the lab notebooks. When drawing graphs, choose scales consistent with the significance of the data. Be sure to label the axes and clearly indicate the data points on the graph. Identify each figure and table with a number and caption. Attach any computer printouts to your report. Include sample calculations to show how the final results are determined from the experimental data.

Error Analysis. (7 pts, 6 pts informal) This should include a treatment of the propagation of error. Experimental results have very little value without such an error analysis.

Discussion. (25 pts, 30 pts informal) Summarize your final results (including uncertainty), usually in tabular form, along with the known literature or theoretical values. Use appropriate significant figures. The discussion should consist of a scientifically sound interpretation of the results, including a comparison with known or theoretical results, an indication of the reasonableness of the results considering the error analysis (distinguish between random and systematic error in the experiment), and suggestions for improvements. Answer any questions asked in the web manual (please questions in the order provided and retain questions numbering).

References. (2 pts, both) Follow the format given in the web manual.

Appendix. (0 pts) Raw data, such as printouts from instruments, may be included here rather than in the Results section to improve the flow of the report. Be certain to refer to the Appendix in the report.

Explanation & Answer

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