hed 201 discussion 2 # 2


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General Instructions: This assignment is an interactive posting-based discussion activity created to encourage interaction between students as well as student and instructor. Each discussion board activity is focused on a central theme with corresponding questions. Your participation will be graded based on the completion of required tasks (listed below), and the depth of analysis and engagement in your posts- See grading rubric for Discussion Board Assignments.

For each discussion board activity, you are required to complete two elements:

1) Submit an original post, in your own words and properly cited -using published material, that answers the question or questions listed for the assignment (at least 400 words long- prepared in advance) posted by the deadline. Write your post as if it were a written assignment that you would turn in. Many people have points deducted because they submit their posts using slang language, e-mail or a text message formats. Note: Do not forget to capitalize the letter “I”. Points are also deducted if you do not use cited material or cite your information with references (it is fine to use our textbook author, and our textbook). If you need help using proper grammar click onto the Writing resources in Modules and use the Purdue Owl Writing center.Discussion Board Assignment 2 Instructions:

The debate over the use and safety of vaccinations has become a heated argument in the US and abroad. The mainstream medical community has been claiming for decades that vaccines are safe and any risk associated with them is minimal compared to the benefits for society, however there is an “anti-vaccination” movement that is occurring demanding more evidence be presented for the efficacy and safety of the multitude of vaccinations that are now being required for children who wish to attend public school in the US. This has also brought up the debate of whether or not these vaccines should be mandated with no opt-out option for parents or individuals. This debate will undoubtedly heighten if states decide to mandate a vaccination for COVID-19.

Your assignment for this discussion is to choose one side of the debate;

Should Any Vaccines be Required for Children?

Present 3 key Pro or Con arguments for your position with cited references for each argument. You do NOT need to choose the side that your personal philosophy agrees with, in fact, if you really want to know both sides of the issue you should choose the side you disagree with and find out at the end of your investigation if you still feel the same way.

Use the following informational websites as your starting points for evidence-based citations. You are welcome to use other sources to support your position- however- it can be difficult to find credible information. How do we know if the information we are reading is the truth? Here is a link and a worksheet to help you –https://vaccines.procon.org





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