Explain the importance of relevancy and engagement to the health care consumer, health & medical homework help


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Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word reflection regarding the simulation and its importance to the course or to your potential career. Include the following:

  • Summarize key points of the simulation.
  • Explain the relevancy of the simulation to the course and to your potential career.
  • Explain the importance of relevancy and engagement to the health care consumer.
  • Explain how advances in technology and medicine may enable consumers to make health or unhealthy choices.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

I will post all instructions of the assignment. The only portion I am required to do is the conclusion. The paper is on a simulation, “How Are We Doing”.


I was not able to put the simulation link on here but I have added a transcript of the simulation. Hopefully you can create a conclusion from this.

Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
How Are We Doing?
It’s time for a marketing audit! Bright Road Health Care System wants to see how responsive they are to
market needs and preferences, and if there marketing strategies are showing a good return on
investment. You are a marketing consultant who has been brought in as an objective party to perform
this audit. Once the information is gathered, you will identify the top 3 strengths and the top 3
weaknesses of the organization. Then, you will make prioritized recommendations to turn the
weaknesses into strengths.
1. Blake Hines, CEO of Bright Road Health Care System
2. Amit Patel, Marketing Director for Bright Road
3. Kimberly O’Neill, CFO for Bright Road
4. Quinn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Bright Road Health Care System
1. Conference Room
2. Marketing Director’s Office
3. CFO’s Office
4. Student’s Office
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
Scene 1: Audit Discussion with CEO and Chairman of Board
In this scene, the Student meets with the CEO of Bright Road, Blake Hines, and the Chairman of the
Board, Quinn Smith. They discuss the need for the audit and accomplish the first two steps in the
marketing research process: 1) Problem definition, and 2) Specifying Research Objectives. Blake is
traveling, so she asks if Quinn can be available to the Student for questions and assistance.
Location Conference Room
Scene setup Quinn sits on the left. Blake is projected on the screen via video chat.
On-screen characters Quinn Smith, Blake Hines (on screen via video chat)
Off-screen characters N/A
On screen text: Today you have a meeting with both Bright Road’s CEO and Chairman of the Board . . .
The notepad icon is highlighted and an on-screen text bubble appears.
On-screen text: Remember to take notes as you go. These notes will be available throughout, and will
help you form your recommendations later on.
Student is able to open the notepad and take notes during the rest of the scene.
BLAKE (on screen)
BLAKE (on screen)
I’m glad you both could join me today.
We’re glad you were able to find time in your schedule. I know it’s been a busy
conference for you, Blake.
Yes, very busy. But, I didn’t want to wait until I got back to get this study going. I
got yours and Kimberly’s emails, expressing concern about how much we’re
spending on the new marketing changes. So, I thought we should start on this
as soon as possible.
(to Student) I’ll fill you in on the genesis of this project. As you know, we’ve
implemented some substantial marketing changes over the last six months, and
now the Board and executive team would like to evaluate and see which
changes are working and which aren’t.
STUDENT OPTION 1 What is your measure of success?
STUDENT OPTION 2 Can we discuss the market research process that we’ll be following?
Student can click either option to continue; must choose both eventually.
QUINN RESPONSE 1 I’d say our measure of success is pretty simple. Did we get enough response for
the amount of money we spent?
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
BLAKE RESPONSE 2 That’s a good place to start. Generally, we use the five-step process. First, we
define the problem. Second, we specify our research objectives. The third step
is creating the research design. Fourth, we collect the data. Finally, we analyze
and evaluate the results.
STUDENT Sounds good. Can we plan on accomplishing the first two steps in this meeting?
QUINN That’s what I was thinking. I laid out the problem already, determining the cost
effectiveness of our new marketing efforts.
Yes, thank you for that.
Actually, can we narrow our focus a little more?
Student can click either option to continue.
I actually think we need to narrow our focus a little more than that.
Yes, that’s what I was thinking.
Either response allows Student to continue.
STUDENT OPTION 1 What changes in particular do you want to study?
STUDENT OPTION 2 What segment of the market should we look at?
STUDENT OPTION 3 Can we also talk about the objectives for our study?
Student can choose any option to continue, but will choose all eventually.
BLAKE RESPONSE 1 I’d like to see if the recent improvements to our web presence have paid off.
And were the efforts to expand our market with Personal Health Records
QUINN RESPONSE 1 Yes, and we made changes to help increase the numbers of patients using our
outpatient pharmacy. I’d like to see how these changes panned out, too.
QUINN RESPONSE 2 That’s where we could use your help.
BLAKE RESPONSE 2 Right. I’ve asked Amit Patel, our Marketing Director to work with you closely on
this study. Maybe the two of you can come up with an answer on market
segment together.
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
This response kicks the Student back to options.
BLAKE RESPONSE 3 Some of the studies we’ve conducted in the past have been exploratory. We
tried to determine why maternity patient rates were trending downward. We
also did a study that was descriptive, where it simply took a cross-section of our
target demographic and sought to describe what their biggest needs were.
QUINN RESPONSE 3 Then, there were the studies that were more like testing the market before we
made a particular program change. (To Student) Based on what we’ve discussed
so far, how would you describe our objective on this study?
STUDENT OPTION 1 I would say this is descriptive.
STUDENT OPTION 2 I think we can call this exploratory.
**STUDENT OPTION 3 This would be more like a study to test the market, a predictive or test of a
Student can choose any option to continue.
BLAKE RESPONSE 1 Yes, I think you’re right. Our objective is to describe how the changes we’ve
listed have had an impact in relation to their cost.
BLAKE RESPONSE 2 & 3 Actually, I don’t think that’s right. Our objective is to describe how the changes
we’ve listed have had an impact in relation to their cost.
STUDENT I’ll work with Amit to create a study that describes the response to the marketing
changes and takes into consideration the expenditure. Who else do you suggest I speak
BLAKE I’ve asked our CFO, Kimberly O’Neill, to work with you on evaluating the financial side.
QUINN I’m available too, whenever you need me. Just let me know.
BLAKE I’m eager to see what we find.
Scene 2: Meeting with Amit Patel, the Marketing Director
In this scene, the Student meets with Amit Patel, Bright Road’s Marketing Director, to work on creating
the research design. They discuss who to target for the study as well as what types of questions to ask.
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
The Student is given a chance to draft questions for the study at the end. The Student’s questions will be
submitted for grading.
Location Director of Marketing Office
Scene setup The student sits across from the Director of Marketing
On-screen characters Amit Patel
Off-screen characters None
On screen text: You meet next with Amit Patel, Bright Road’s Marketing Director. Remember, answers
you submit during this scene will be evaluated to assess your aptitude . . .
AMIT So, this is great. We get to measure some results of our efforts over the last six
months now. Very exciting!
STUDENT I met with Blake Hines and Quinn Smith in which we established the problem
and the objective of the study. We just need to determine what market
segment to target.
AMIT Well, what specific areas do we want to evaluate? That will help us determine
our market segment.
**STUDENT OPTION 1 Online improvements, PHR, and use of the outpatient pharmacy.
STUDENT OPTION 2 Social media, PHH, and use of the outpatient pharmacy.
STUDENT OPTION 3 Use of the outpatient pharmacy, web database improvement, PHR marketing.
Student can choose any of the options to continue.
AMIT RESPONSE According to notes Blake sent me, we want to see how improvements to our
website, Facebook page, and Personal Health Record increased engagement.
Also, we’re going to see how outpatient pharmacy improvements have been
received. Who would be able to give us the best data on these segments? Do
you think we should target the community at large or customers using our
products and services over the last six months?
STUDENT OPTION 1 I think we should take a cross-section of the community, to see if they’ve
noticed the changes we’ve made.
STUDENT OPTION 2 It’s probably best to narrow our market to customers over the last six months.
Student can select either option to continue.
AMIT RESPONSE 1 That might not be the best approach. If we look at the most recent customers,
then we’ll be able to get the most relevant data. Just like when you walk into a
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
dealership to buy a car and the salesman asks how you heard about them. The
dealership is determining how well particular advertising channels are working
for them.
I agree. If we look at the most recent, then we’ll be able to get the most
relevant data. Just like when you walk into a dealership to buy a car and the
salesman asks how you heard about them. The dealership is determining how
well particular advertising channels are working for them.
Okay, that sounds good. What do you think are the kinds of questions we
should be asking?
Now that we’ve established the market segment, we can form questions
related to where the problem might be: our organization, our competitors,
products and services, pricing, promotion and channel distribution.
Let’s talk about questions related to our organization and competitors.
Can we discuss products and services, and pricing?
What questions do you think we should design related to promotion and
channel distribution?
Student can select either option to continue.
AMIT RESPONSE Sure, let’s talk about perception of our organization versus our competitors.
STUDENT OPTION 1 What specifically are we hoping to learn in these areas?
STUDENT OPTION 2 What kinds of questions do you suggest asking about this?
AMIT REPSONSE 1 We want to see how Bright Road is perceived by people who use our products
or services. Do they see us as patient-focused and in tune with their needs? Are
we portrayed as a quality institution? Did they consider our competitors before
choosing Bright Road? How do we measure up in perception?
AMIT REPSONSE 2 For our website and Facebook users, we can employ opinion-based questioning
to see whether they thought the improvements helped convey the right
perception of Bright Road. For those who chose to use our PHR program or
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
revisit our Outpatient Pharmacy, we can ask how they arrived at this decision.
These can be open-ended questions or opinion-based, comparing Bright Road
to competitors in this area. Then, we should be able to see if we’ve
differentiated ourselves enough.
Student returns to Branching options.
AMIT REPSONSE Sure. In this case, we can focus on one product, the PHR program, and we can
look at the Outpatient Pharmacy service, as well. Pricing can be tied into both.
STUDENT OPTION 1 What kind of data should we collect about the PHR program?
STUDENT OPTION 2 How do you see us collecting data about the Oupatient service?
Student may click either option to continue.
AMIT RESPONSE 1 When it comes to the Personal Health Records program, we can see how the
customer was referred to it. Was it through word of mouth, the internet, or one
of our billboards? We can then ask their opinion on pricing. If this product is
priced too high or too low and if they believe the value aligns with the price.
AMIT RESPONSE 2 We can use open-ended questions regarding the patient’s experience with our
Outpatient Pharmacy, and we can have them rate certain aspects. We can use a
scale, from Highly Satisfied to Extremely Dissatisfied and we can target some of
the improvements we focused on, such as shorter wait time and better access
to over-the-counter medications during their visit.
Student returns to Branching options.
AMIT REPSONSE Promotion and channel distribution are big ones, here. What do you think?
STUDENT OPTION 1 I think we should ask which type of promotion, if any, moved them to utilize our
products or services.
STUDENT OPTION 2 I think we can talk about visibility and accessibility when it comes to channel
AMIT RESPONSE 1 Good. For example, did the follow up e-mail newsletter from the Outpatient
Pharmacy prompt them to use the facility again? Or, did they see the survey on
our Facebook page about PHRs and visit the website? Once they were on the
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
website, did they watch the video we created about PHRs, and did they feel it
helped in their decision process?
Student returns to remaining option.
AMIT RESPONSE 2 Are you referring to the visibility of our brand – our product and service
offerings? In that case, I agree. We can also ask whether the extended hours of
operation at the Outpatient Pharmacy made it more accessible to the patient.
STUDENT This all sounds good. Now, how do you think we should collect the data? Phone
interviews, surveys by mail, or maybe one-on-one interviews, or focus groups?
AMIT I can tell you already, that we don’t have the budget for one-on-one interviews
or focus groups. I think that there’s too much of a risk that a survey won’t be
completed if we send it by mail or by email. Phone interviews are probably best,
as long as we keep the number of questions low and make them as clear and
easy to answer as possible.
STUDENT I agree. Do you want me to put together a list of questions for you to review?
AMIT That would be great. I’ll send you an outline of the key areas, like we discussed,
and maybe some examples of what I’m looking for. If you can fill it in and send it
back to me, we can go from there.
NOTE: Amit’s office fades out and the Student’s laptop fills the screen with an email program open.
On-screen text: Later, you receive the email from Amit. Review, fill in the chart with survey questions,
and then send it back to him. Be sure to use your notes!
NOTE: Email from Amit contains the following table for the Student to fill in using a free text response.
Key Area Questions
The Organization and
Example: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being least
and 5 being most, do you feel Bright Road is
attempting to meet your most critical needs?
Products & Services, and
Example: Where did you first learn about Bright
Road’s PHR program? _Family/Friend _Billboard
_Bright Road website _Facebook _other
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
Promotion and Channel
Example: On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being least
and 5 being most, do you feel the email
newsletter from Bright Road’s Outpatient
Pharmacy contributed to your return to the
Once the Student has filled in the open slots, they are given the chance to Submit.
On-screen text: Nice work! Your email has been sent to Amit.
Scene 3: Reviewing the Results
This scene takes place three weeks later after the raw data from the surveys has been gathered. The
Student will meet with the CFO to review the key findings and evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
Chairman of the Board, Quinn Smith, will call at the end and discuss, as well, asking the Student to send
a more in-depth recommendation on how to turn weaknesses into strengths.
Location CFO’S Office
Scene setup Student faces Kimberly who sits behind her desk.
On-screen characters Kimberly O’Neill, Quinn Smith (on video call)
Off-screen characters N/A
On screen text: 3 weeks later, you meet with CFO, Kimberly O’Neill to analyze the survey results . . .
KIMBERLY First, let me say that I think you and Amit did a wonderful job putting the survey
together. We collected a lot of very useful data.
STUDENT I’m glad to hear it. Can we take a look at the results?
KIMBERLY Definitely. And, feel free to ask for whatever information you need about the financial
aspect as well. I know you’re looking to put together a recommendation after you have
a chance to evaluate the results. I have a list of the results from the customer surveys.
Shall we take a look?
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
NOTE: Student can close window and resume conversation when they are done reviewing. Results should
be made available to the Student for duration of Learnscape.
STUDENT OPTION 1 It looks like the billboard campaign was not very effective. Was this a large
expenditure, and how do you think it could be improved?
STUDENT OPTION 2 Why do you think the e-newsletter had a negative impact?
STUDENT OPTION 3 Did the increase in appreciation for Bright Road’s improved online presence
result in more leads or sales?
KIMBERLY RESPONSE 1 It wasn’t too large of a cost, and I think that was our problem. We didn’t
put the message on enough billboards. I believe we only did 3 billboards
in the metropolitan area.
KIMBERLY RESPONSE 2 I think the e-newsletter was too frequent. We brought on a social media
copywriter at full time, and I think she sent the newsletter out too
frequently. She sent it weekly to our Outpatient Pharmacy customer
database. I think we could cut that down to every other week, which
would save us on the budget by reducing the position to part time or
KIMBERLY RESPONSE 3 That’s a very good question. Yes, it looks like sales from leads generated
through our website and Facebook outreach is up 20% over the last six
months. I think this is a very good indicator.
STUDENT Yes, I think it’s a great indicator. Oh, excuse me. I’m getting a call from Quinn Smith.
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
NOTE: Student’s phone appears with an incoming video call from Quinn Smith. Student is able to accept
the call.
QUINN (on video call) Hi there! Just checking in to see how the results are looking. I hope I didn’t
interrupt. I’m just anxious to see what we’ve discovered.
STUDENT There are definitely some strong points, but also some areas that need
improvement. I’m actually reviewing the results with Kimberly O’Neill right
QUINN (on video call) Oh, I’m sorry. Look, I don’t want to keep you. Can you send me an email later
on, so I can share some of your findings with the Board at our meeting
tomorrow? Just a high level look will do. Why don’t you list out the top three
strengths and the top three weaknesses? Then, you can maybe add some
suggestions on how we can turn those top three weaknesses into strengths!
Sound good?
STUDENT Sounds good. I’ll send it later on today or first thing in the morning.
QUINN (on video call) Thank you.
The phone call ends and scene resumes with Kimberly.
KIMBERLY Sounds like you might have a busy afternoon ahead of you. Are there any other
questions I can help you with?
STUDENT My last question is about the PHR program. It seems like the survey on
Facebook got people’s attention. Where else did you promote it?
KIMBERLY We actually did a mailer to the retirement communities in our areas, to raise
awareness among the aging population. But, that didn’t seem to have any
measurable effect. Our main demographic for that product is still 50 years old
and younger. Maybe free workshops in those communities would be a better
way to go.
STUDENT That’s a good idea, and really good information for now. Thanks, Kimberly.
KIMBERLY No problem. Just let me know if you need anything else.
Health Care Marketing
Learnscape 4: How Are We Doing?
Health Care Marketing Learnscape 4 Final December 10, 2012
Scene 4: Making Your Recommendation
In this scene, the Student will submit an email to Quinn Smith, Chairman of the Board, outlining the top
three strengths and the top three weaknesses of the marketing campaign, along with suggestions on
how to improve on the weaknesses.
Location Student’s Office
Scene setup Student is sitting at their desk.
On-screen characters None
Off-screen characters None
On-screen text: It’s time to write your email to Quinn Smith, Chairman of the Board, outlining the top
three strengths and the top three weaknesses of the Bright Road marketing survey results. Be sure to
include suggestions on how to turn the weaknesses into strengths.
NOTE: The scene is a close up of the student’s computer screen with the email application open. The
“To:” section is filled with the description “Quinn Smith” and the subject is already filled in:
“CONFIDENTIAL: Marketing Survey Results Recommendations.”
On-screen text: Type your recommendation in the body of the email. Don’t forget, you can use the
survey results and notes you’ve taken throughout your interviews. Be sure to back up your
recommendation with the analysis of the information gained along the way.
NOTE: The student will be given an option to “Submit” the email after writing it. After the student
submits the email, the computer screen fades to the previous view of the student’s office.
On-screen text: Your recommendation to Quinn Smith has been sent! Nice work

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