Discussions and 2 responses(2)


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Discussion 1:

Please note that this is a threaded discussion, allowing you to have an extended conversation in a smaller group. Your instructor will set up four groups. Read the rest of the instructions below and post accordingly. Do not start your own thread. If there are already more than five students in a group, consider selecting a different group to keep the conversations lively.

Read the article “POV: Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Writing at the University: Let’s Embrace It.” and then decide how you want to respond to it. Choose one of the following ways.

  • Skeptic, challenging the author
  • Reflector, thinking about how the reading applies to you and others
  • Validator, supporting the author
  • Extender, applying the author’s principles to future situations

Descriptions of these roles are found below. Once you’ve decided, make your initial post under the appropriate thread (Skeptic, Reflector, Validator, or Extender).

Skeptic – Challenge some items in the reading. Be specific about what you disagree with and provide substantive evidence (logic, examples, or even research). Here’s a way to start your post: “I disagree with many points in the editorial because…”

Reflector – Think about the concepts set forth in the reading as they relate to your own experiences or those of others. Be specific about your observations, explaining how you have reached your conclusions. Here’s a way to start your post: “Reading this article makes me think of a class I took a month ago…”

Validator – Support some items in the reading. Be specific about which points you agree with, explaining why you do. Provide evidence. Here’s a way to start your post: “I agree with many of the author’s points, such as…”

Extender – Show how the concepts might be applied in future situations. You may focus on both positive and negative ramifications. Be specific as you extend the conversation. Here’s a way to start your post: “This editorial made me wonder how the concepts might be applied to…”

Responding to Others:

  • Ask for clarification about why the student chose the role he/she did.
  • Provide additional evidence for that role or another one.
  • Try using another of these roles (skeptic, reflector, validator, or extender) in your response.

  • Discussion 2
  • This week we will continue the work you did in the week 2 discussion, zeroing in on the topic for your final paper.Describe a problem you might want to explore in your final paper. Then try to persuade your classmates to share your view that this problem needs to be looked at. Your initial post will have two parts:
    • What is the problem? Describe it in terms of who, what, where, when, how, and why.
    • Why should this problem be examined? Persuade your peers that money/time should be committed to this problem. Use the appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos (described here in Types of Persuasive Appeals) as appropriate to convince them that this is an important issue to be studied and/or solved.
Explanation & Answer

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