Discussion: Rebuttal


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Discussion: Rebuttal

For this assignment, you will develop a rebuttal while examining a position taken on a podcast episode.

Step One

I have chosen two podcasts for you to explore that discuss a concept or event and present a position that is unique and unconventional. Your first task is to review the following websites and review the episode lists. When you find a title that interests you, read the episode description. If you are still intrigued, then listen and enjoy. If the podcast creators present an argument that you want to refute, then you are ready for the next step. If not, then you need to find another episode. Note: You should not have to restart the process more than once or twice if you read the episode descriptions very carefully.

Revisionist HistoryLinks to an external site. – “Each week for 10 weeks, Revisionist History will go back and reinterpret something from the past: an event, a person, an idea. Something overlooked. Something misunderstood.”

Freakonomics Links to an external site.– “Have fun discovering the hidden side of everything with host Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the best-selling “Freakonomics” books. Each week, hear surprising conversations that explore the riddles of everyday life and the weird wrinkles of human nature—from cheating and crime to parenting and sports.”

Step Two

Once you have chosen your podcast episode, you are ready to post your rebuttal.

1. At the top of your post, please include the link to your podcast episode. You can post the link by using one of the icons on the post menu bar. Once you have copied the episode URL, click on the icon that looks like two connected links and paste the URL to the text box and click on “Insert Link.”

2. Now, please post your response to the following questions (approx. 200 words).

– What claim is the podcast making?

– What logical fallacies are utilized why making this claim?

– What type of support is missing from the argument that could have made the claim more effective?

3. You will not be able to see the other posts until you submit your own post. Once you do, please respond to at least one of your colleague’s posts in about 100 words. Please be sure that you provide a substantial response. In other words, be certain that your response takes the discussion in a forward direction and not a dead end – (“That’s interesting” or “I hadn’t thought of that”).

Explanation & Answer

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