discussion board 33


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Create and post an infographic that compares and relates sampling distributions to interval estimation to hypothesis testing. Discuss your infographic.

  • Define sampling distributions, interval estimation, and hypothesis testing using relevant graphics, diagrams, and short explanations within your infographic.
  • Compare & contrast the three concepts (sampling distribution, interval estimation, and hypothesis testing) using relevant graphics, diagrams, and short explanations within your infographic.
  • Submit a written discussion post explaining your infographic.


Before an assignment can be considered for grading it must be original work including infographics and content created by the student.

Please create an original infographic using only the design platform, CANVA.

The work must be original and templates provided by CANVA are not acceptable.

The submission must include a link to your original CANVA work.

The link must be Not be to a Canva Video. Links that forward to a Canva Video will receive an automatic failing grade.

Infographics must contain text. Infographics that contain only images of text will receive an automatic failing grade.

Essential Activities:

  1. Reading chapters 7-9 in Modern Business Statistics 7e will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
  2. Watching the video, “Sampling Distribution – Central Limit Theorem – Normal Distribution” will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
  3. Watching the video, “Understanding Confidence Intervals: Statistics Help” will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
  4. Watching the video, “Hypothesis testing: step-by-step, p-value, t-test for difference of two means – Statistics Help” will assist you in writing this discussion forum.


  1. Please refer to the discussion forum rubric for this assignment.
  2. Initial discussion forum is due by Wednesday and responses to two of your classmates are due by Saturday.
  3. Each week to earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to support your discussion.
  4. Review the Infographic Rubric and review the Infographic example
  5. Refer to the video, “The 9 Types of Infographics [TIPS AND EXAMPLES]” to assist you in creating an infographic.
Explanation & Answer

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