Discussion Accounting


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Initial Post:

In this essay assignment, we are covering Chapter 8, which provides an in-depth look at receivables.

Choose ONE of the three following questions to answer.

You only need to answer one. You do not receive extra points for answering all three.

  1. Watch this video: Real World Video: Small Business: Little City Books: Managing Receivables. Answer these two questions: 1) Why is receivables management important for this company? 2) What ratios would you examine to determine how they are doing, and why?
  2. Make your own video! Make a video explaining how to calculate interest on notes receivable. Provide at least three example calculations (different than the textbook examples). The video should be 3-5 minutes long, and video quality (accuracy, entertainment value) will replace the spelling/grammar component of the grade.
  3. Many students who are visual learners find it helpful to make concept maps (or mind maps). Make a concept map that explains process of creating the allowance for doubtful accounts, including the estimation and writing off of accounts. Here is an quick explanation of concept mapsLinks to an external site.. Your concept map can be computer generated or hand written and posted as a picture (make sure we can read it!).

Post Reminders:

  • Please use Standard English, with proper punctuation, grammar and spelling that has been checked. (Hint: Compose in a word processing program and copy & paste.)
  • Spelling and grammar are graded
  • Although the professor will read all Student Discussions, she will only respond with comments or advice as appropriate.
  • Because this is an online environment and we cannot read facial or body cues, the written word often comes across harsher than we expect. Try to be especially sensitive to your peers’ feelings when you are responding to a question or offering feedback. A few kind or encouraging words are almost always well received and appreciated.
  • Please note that any personal issues should not be addressed in Discussions. Please address personal issues with the Professor in a private message (click on Inbox, click on “all teachers”, type subject/message, click send).

Two Response Posts:

Reply to two classmate’s posts. At least one response must be to a student who answered a different question than you. You can earn 5 points for each response. Spelling and grammar still count and is worth 30% of your grade.

How to reply:

Click on “reply” below the student’s reply and type your response. Click “Post Reply.”
Note: A good reply will help to further the discussion. Tell why you agree or disagree and elaborate further on their content, not “I agree.”


Initial essay post will be graded using the following grading form (rubric):

Rubric- initial post

The rubric that will be used for grading the replies is as follows:

Essay assignment rubric- replies

Explanation & Answer

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