Difficulty using virtual care for health service providers i need Curriculum Development


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  1. Program identification

Task 1: Analyzing Educational Needs

Choose a specific subject area or field of study. Describe the process of analyzing educational needs for this subject area. Include factors such as changing societal demands, learner demographics, and emerging trends that can influence program identification.

Task 2: Establishing Program Goals

Based on the subject area you chose in Task 1, create two program goals that address specific learning outcomes or educational needs. Ensure that these goals are clear, concise, and reflect the overarching purpose of the educational program.

Task 3: Considering Influencing Factors

Identify and discuss three key factors that could influence the identification of an effective program. These factors could include considerations related to student diversity, resources availability, community involvement, technology integration, and alignment with educational standards.

  1. Needs assessment

Task 1: Identifying Stakeholders

List and briefly describe the key stakeholders involved in a needs assessment for your curriculum design. Explain the roles and perspectives of each stakeholder, such as students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members.

Task 2: Data Collection Methods

Research and describe three different methods commonly used to collect data during a needs assessment. Choose methods that can provide insights into various aspects of the learning environment. For each method, explain its benefits, potential drawbacks, and when it might be most appropriate to use.

  1. Goals and objectives

Task 1: Defining Clear Learning Goals

Choose a subject or topic of your choice for your proposed course Write two clear and concise learning goals for a unit of instruction related to your chosen subject or topic. Ensure that these goals reflect the overarching aims of the instruction.

Task 2: Crafting Measurable Learning Objectives

For each of the learning goals created in Task 1, develop three measurable learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a framework. Each objective should span different levels of cognitive complexity (e.g., knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation). Make sure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  1. Teaching strategies

Task 1: Exploring Teaching Strategies

Research and compile a list of minimum 3 diverse teaching strategies that are commonly used in educational settings. For each strategy, provide a brief explanation of its key characteristics and how it can be effectively applied in the classroom.

Task 2

For each of the learning objectives created in step 3, select a teaching strategy from the list you compiled in Task 1 that aligns well with the objective. Justify your choices by explaining how each chosen strategy supports the attainment of the respective objective. Highlight how the strategy accommodates diverse learning styles and promotes student engagement.

  1. Implementation

Task: Imagine you’re tasked with adding a new module on “Evidence-Based Medicine” to the current curriculum. Create a micro-implementation plan that outlines:

  1. Schedule: Briefly describe how the module will fit into the existing curriculum schedule.
  2. Resources: List key teaching materials, facilities, and technology needed.
  3. Faculty Prep: Explain how you’ll ensure faculty are prepared to teach the module.
  4. Student Engagement: Provide a strategy for engaging students in the module.

Submission: Create a concise, bullet-point plan (around 500 words) highlighting the essential aspects of your micro-implementation strategy.

  1. Evaluation and feedback

Task: Develop a proposal for evaluating the effectiveness of the current curriculum. Include:

  1. Methods: Describe the data collection methods you’ll use (surveys, interviews, etc.).
  2. Data Focus: Identify key questions or areas you’ll focus on during evaluation.
  3. Feedback: Briefly explain how you’ll present findings and recommendations to the curriculum team.

Submission: Write a succinct proposal (around 700 words) outlining the evaluation plan and its main components.

Explanation & Answer

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