Cultural identity


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Listing belowplease be advised I am a white 29 year straight Christian male so the info on the paper is correct

this writing assignment, explore and write about your own culture. First, determine your own sense of culture. The following questions and examples will help guide you in the process of defining your own culture:

  • How do you identify yourself and why? (For instance, I am Mom; a teacher; a Doctor of Philosophy; a feminist scholar; white and, therefore, culturally privileged; overweight and therefore culturally dismissed; Wife; Daughter; Sister; middle child; Cis gender; in my 50s/ “old” and therefore quickly become culturally irrelevant in America, etc.)
  • Do you think of yourself in mainly a single term, or multiple terms? Do those identities come into conflict with each other? (For example, sometimes the model of being a “good parent” that I learned from my parents clashes with my own identity as a feminist scholar.)
  • Does society or a section of society (or a community) assign you an identity that you do not accept or feel comfortable with? (For example, my father recently asked me if I was “a liberal or a feminist.” Or, in my marriage, people may assume that since my husband makes more money than I do that he should not have to help with the housework.)
  • What is the importance of identity? (For example, my identity is shaped by my experiences, so it informs how I respond to and see the world. My 16-year-old told me the other day that someone he knew was being treated like a housewife. He meant to convey that in a negative way and he knew I would understand the negative connotation when he said it. Nobody is JUST a housewife.)
  • How was your self-identity created? (For example, being the middle child has shaped me to be a care-taker, so I am the child who lives close to my parents and sees to their needs as they age.)
  • Plagiarism: You should not use any sources for your essays. You may reference materials that we have used in class such as the textbook, but you should not look anything up. If you do and do not cite your sources correctly (a skill that will not be introduced until ENGL 1102), your grade will be penalized accordingly—depending on the extent and kind of misuse of sources. If blatant plagiarism is detected, you will receive a zero for the essay.

    Submission of essays: Essays must be submitted in electronic format in the GAView platform. Please refer to the weekly folder in GAView for the date and time at which the final draft is due.

    Essay Assistance: The information and sentence starters below can help with the format of this essay.

  • Introductory Paragraph: In this paragraph discuss the definition of cultural identity, its importance, and how you identify culturally. The final sentence in this paragraph should be your thesis statement. A possible thesis statement may be: My cultural identity was established in several ways. OR Culturally, I identify as a ____, ____, and a _____.
  • Paragraph two:
  • o The first way that my cultural identity was established was through ___.


    o First, I identify as a/an _______.

  • Paragraph three:
  • o The second way that my cultural identity was established was through ___.


    o Secondly, I identify as a/an ____.

  • Paragraph four:
  • o The final way that my cultural identity was established was through _____. OR


  • Conclusion: In conclusion, (then restate your position and the three main points of your essay). Then discuss final ideas on the topic.
  • Formatting Guidelines: The following formatting guidelines are non-negotiable. If you fail to meet them, points will be deducted.

  • Your essay must be 12 point font, Times New Roman;
  • Your essay must be double spaced;
  • Your essay must be 500-750 words (That’s two to three pages)
  • And your essay must have one-inch margins all around.
  • Explanation & Answer

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