Create a public health office


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Week 6 – Final Paper

  • Due Oct 30 by 11:59pm
  • Points 12
  • Submitting an external tool

Create a Public Health Office

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Hopkins Park welcome sign

Hopkins Park welcome sign

As you have learned, public health can be a dynamic force in a population if used correctly and managed appropriately. You will use the information below in your final project to create a public health office to serve the people of Pembroke Township, Illinois. You are the head of this new office and can establish your own mission, vision, and values statements. You also are in charge of creating community relationships, assessing community needs, and implementing plans that will make a difference. You will be given a total budget. However, you are responsible for gathering information on the community, learning what health entities currently exist, and identifying the key stakeholders in the community.

Your population is in Central Illinois and within a township called Pembroke. Your new public health office will be in its largest village, Hopkins Park. To start your research, use the following resources to obtain some of the needed information on your new population: Pembroke Township, Kankakee County, Illinois (IL) Detailed ProfileLinks to an external site. and Hopkins Park, IllinoisLinks to an external site.. Recall that the PowerPoint used in Week 5’s discussion has an informative breakdown of public health system duties, specifically slides 49-51.

Areas of note:

  • Hopkins Park does not have a zip code, so it does not qualify for most federal grants or funds. You can refer to the article The Socio-Economic Benefits of the ZIP CodeLinks to an external site..
  • Pembroke Township does have a zip code. However, much of that funding has been allocated to unincorporated villages tied to the township. You may be able to use this information to your office’s advantage.
  • Crime and drug use statistics stopped being collected and/or reported in 2003 for Pembroke Township. You will have to estimate these rates from the final years of collection, current county data, and the current size of the township population. If this is a difficulty, you will certainly want to address it in your office.
  • There are no hospitals or clinics currently in Pembroke Township. The nearest hospital to Hopkins Park is 14 miles away in the town of Kankakee, Illinois.
  • There are no food vendors (grocery stores, farmers markets, etc.) within Hopkins Park. The only source of packaged food within 5 miles is a CITGO gas station just outside of town. This gas station frequently closes, changes management, and does not stock fresh foods or produce. The closest full market is Berkot’s Super Foods which is 11 miles away in Aroma Park.
  • Many homes in Hopkins Park do not have running water or natural gas heating. Water is often drawn up from privately dug wells, and heat is provided from burning wood and other materials. However, investments in this community are coming, specifically in terms of natural gas.
  • You can refer to New Hope for One of America’s Poorest CommunitiesLinks to an external site., which details new investments in natural gas.
  • Pembroke Township and Hopkins Park have been featured in several exposes and documentaries for being one of the poorest communities in the United States. The most famous of the documentaries is a visit from media notable Oprah Winfrey. You can find many other videos on Pembroke and Hopkins Park on YouTube, and you can refer to Oprah’s article Invisible LivesLinks to an external site..

Your total budget for this office is $400,000 for the year. Your budget must cover your salary, employees’ salaries, planned interventions, the accreditations you seek, the health professionals you may bring in, and other expenses. For this scenario, you should consider the office building itself as built and stocked with necessary supplies for your work (desks, computers, etc.). Your goal is to create the most significant and most long-term positive health impact for the whole population served.

In your paper,

  • Create the mission, vision, and value statements for your new office and employees.
    • Explain the relationships you need to establish between your office and the existing state public health agencies.
    • Explain the relationship and assistance you will provide to local health care providers.
    • Explain the public safety programs you will create.
    • Determine the human service and charity organizations you will create or engage.
    • Determine the education and youth development organizations you will create or engage.
    • Determine the recreation and arts-related organizations you will create or engage.
    • Determine the economic and philanthropic organizations you will create or engage.
    • Determine the environmental agencies and organizations you will create or engage.
  • Hypothesize the factors that will determine how you allocate your budget. Use a table to do this.
  • Estimate the most significant challenges in setting up and running an office for this population.
  • You may use these bullet points as section headings to help you stay organized. Refer to APA Style ElementsLinks to an external site..

The Create a Public Health Office final paper

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Waypoint Assignment Submission

The assignments in this course will be submitted to Waypoint. Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.

  1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard” will open in a new browser window.
  2. Browse for your assignment.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week’s assignment tab in Waypoint.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint TutorialLinks to an external site..

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