Clinical Field Experience A: Lesson Design Observation & Curriculum Adaptations


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Assessment Description

Lesson design for students with moderate to severe disabilities must be carefully constructed to address the abilities of each student. Plans for engaging students with the curriculum must be specific and address all the educational, physical, and emotional needs of the students

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

During this field experience, observe a moderate to severe classroom preferably in Grades 6-8. Explore the “Incorporating Universal Design for Learning” and “Universal Design for Learning Guidelines” prior to the observation and be prepared to discuss the following:

  • Was the content appropriate for the age of the students and the number of students in your class? Explain.
  • What equipment, supplies, references, and other resources were used for the lesson? What improvements could be made to these?
  • How did the students engage in the direct instruction?
  • What distracting behaviors did you observe? How did the mentor teacher address these issues?
  • Did you observe Principles I and II of the Universal Design for Learning? Explain. If you did not observe the principles, explain what you should have observed.
  • Were the learning experiences appropriate for curriculum goals and content standards? Explain how they were relevant.
  • How were the learning experiences relevant to the students?

After your observation, collaborate with your mentor teacher to discuss the observations and clarify any questions you have regarding instructional strategies. Explore with your mentor teacher their process when planning a lesson. How did the teacher select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with moderate to severe disabilities?

Write a 250-500 word reflection describing your observation and how it can be applied to your personal professional practice related to lesson design for students with moderate to severe disabilitiesTeachers align state standards with subject areas and implement the necessary accommodations or modifications to meet the needs of each student. As a teacher, you need to know your students and the required curriculum. It is also important to know how each child learns, including how and why specific teaching methods are used for specific students with moderate to severe disabilities. This allows the teacher to develop, modify, and adapt curriculum for students with moderate to severe disabilities.

#2 Read the case study below to inform this assignment.

Student – Henry: SID (Sensory Integration Disorder), OI (Orthopedic Impairment), OHI (Other Health Impairment)

Henry is in seventh grade, and he is completely dependent on others due to the severity of a motor impairment that results in very high muscle tone, dominance of the ATNR (asymmetrical tonic neck reflex), and scoliosis. This student is limited in his verbal communication. Henry does not appear to visually fixate on presented items/objects with the exception of lights in a darkened room. He has a wheelchair that is utilized for mobility, but he needs to be positioned in other equipment during the day due to a low tolerance of the wheelchair caused most likely by discomfort from scoliosis and a dislocated hip. Henry is fed via g-tube because of a high risk for aspiration and receives pump feedings by the nurse over 1½-2 hours twice each day. He cannot be moved during or for 30 minutes after due to a risk of gagging. Henry is working on actively participating and engaging in classroom activities.

Write a 500-750 word plan for Henry by adapting one ELA and one math grade-level standard to meet his needs. Include the following in your plan:

  • Write a measurable ELA goal for Henry that aligns to a grade-level state standard and explain your reasoning.
  • Write a measurable math goal for Henry that aligns to a grade-level state standard and explain your reasoning.
  • Write a measurable functional goal for Henry that aligns to his needs and explain your reasoning.
  • Explain the process of how you develop, modify, and adapt goals and standards for individuals with disabilities.
  • Explain the modifications you made to the standards for Henry and why. Explain how the modifications still address the grade-level state standard.
  • How you will determine whether the modifications to learn the content were successful for Henry.
  • Describe how you will help Henry further his progress toward his functional goal and explain how you will measure his progress to know when the goal has been achieved.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Explanation & Answer

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