CJS 490-50 Criminal Justice Capstone


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This paper is about the crime. If you can find studies related to your crime and community, that is great, but that is NOT a requirement. When you search for articles via the library, just search by the name of the crime.

You are permitted to use some of the same resources you already located when you completed Paper 3.

The required components include the following (use the corresponding subehaders in your paper):

  • Cover page in APA.
  • Section 1: Introduction. In the introduction grab the reader’s attention and tell the reader what is included in your paper. For example, the following paper is divided into ? sections. The first section…. The second section… Do not write in the first person.
  • Section 2: A review of the history of the crime. Start by discussing the history of your crime. Remember your topic should be focused. You can’t include the entire history of the topic, so pick and choose what is appropriate. Identify the significant developments/movements/turning points/etc. that are important to highlight for the full understanding of this topic. Be sure to bring the discussion up until what is happening today. The focus does not have to be on your chosen location. Here the focus is on the crime. This should be about one page. Include at least two different references in this section.
  • Section 3: A discussion of diversity related to the topic. Here you want to provide the summary of the characteristics of the offender, victims, and if applicable other key parties to the crime. You must identify the demographics associated with your particular crime. You can include topics here like age, race, socio-economic status, gender, education, etc. Try and use information you learned in your diversity course. Look at discussions of diversity in the articles you are reading. You should also be citing statistics in this section and information from the empirical studies found in the journals. Please make sure you have distinct paragraphs within this section, where one (or more) paragraphs are about the offender and then a separate paragraph (or more) is about the victim. This section needs to be at least a page long. This section should have at least two different citations.
  • Section 4: A discussion of the ethics associated with this topic. This discussion will vary from topic to topic. Use information you learned in your ethics course to discuss the topic from an ethical standpoint. You will want to use ethical principles here in your discussion. This section needs to be at least 1/2 a page long. This section should have at least one citation. Do not write in the first person.
  • Section 5: A discussion of the laws (federal, state, and/or local) associated with your topic. You will want to to review both state and federal law. If applicable, you can also look at city ordinances. If your community is in MN, you must cite the MN Revisor of Statutes in this section. If your community is outside of MN, you will want to cite the state statute in your selected state. Summarize what the law says. Do NOT copy and paste verbatim the law. This section should not just be a long verbatim quote of the wording of the law. If you want to include the full text of a law, put that in an appendix and just summarize what the law says in the text. YOU need to summarize it. Please don’t forget to include state AND federal law here. This section needs to be at least 3/4 a page long. At least one of the citations should be a state statute.
  • Section 6: A discussion of non-criminal justice programs/strategies that have been used to respond to the problem AND if possible, a discussion of evaluations associated with it. Review non-criminal justice programs/strategies that are used to address your crime as cited in the academic literature. Focus on programs that have been shown to reduce the crime (i.e. they have been evaluated and are evidence-based). Please do not just summarize things that don’t work, but instead focus on what works or is at least promising. You will be using the library resources. You also should review the webpage crimesolutions.gov. opens in new window You should have at least 2 empirical studies (that should be evaluating the effectiveness of the program) cited and at least 3 different programs/strategies identified. The programs can be located anywhere in the US. This section should be at least 1.5 pages long. Each program discussion should be a 1/2 page.
  • Section 7: A discussion of the criminal justice response to your crime. Here you will be discussing how the criminal justice system is responding to this crime. For example, are there task forces created, is there special training for police to respond, do police respond in a certain way to this crime, is there a technology that is being used to address this crime, is there a speciality court to deal with this crime, etc. Please identify two specific criminal justice responses to this crime. Please note, this is different than a program offered by a non-profit organization that you addressed in the previous section. Here you are focusing specifically on what the criminal justice system is doing to respond. You can use information here from the library and government webpages. This section will be at least 1 page and should include two different citations, one for each response.
  • Section 8: Conclusion. A conclusion section summarizes what was covered in the review. This does not need to be very a long, a paragraph or two total.
  • Section 9: A reference list properly cited in APA. By now, your APA format should be in good shape and you should know how to do it.
  • Section 10: Group Work- If you did this with a partner, please include a paragraph about what each of you contributed to this project. If you don’t include this, the paper will be sent back to you add this detail before it is graded.


  • 7 full pages at a minimum, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. This page requirement does NOT include the reference page or cover page. The maximum for this paper can be 10 pages. If it is longer than this, go back and update your paper. Do not submit a paper that is more than 10 pages of text (not including the cover or reference list). If it is, it will be sent back to you to adjust with a 5 point consequence before it is graded.
  • You MUST have sub-headers in this paper.
  • Your paper should be free of verbatim quotes. Your paper should not read like a string of quotes. Before you turn this in, go back and double check to make sure your paper does not have verbatim quotes. If it reads like a string of verbatim quotes, your paper will be sent back to you.
  • EVERY SINGLE paragraph (except for the introduction and conclusion if you are not citing anything) in the paper should have at least one citation, if not multiple.
  • This is not the place for your opinions. DO NOT WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON.
  • Sources:
    • Required- Minimum of 5 empirical studies (please review what empirical studies means, these are studies, not book reviews, discussion about at topic, etc, but actual STUDIES on the topic) with a publication date of 2017 or newer.
    • Optional- In addition to the above, you may also use information from reputable websites (NOTE: these should be .gov, .edu, or .org sources).
    • You should NOT be using news articles for this paper. If you did, please go back and find a different source.
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